Effect of the State of the Reactor Surface on the Characteristics of Combustion of Gas Mixtures Containing Halogen-Substituted Hydrocarbons




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The influence of the reactor walls on combustion of gas mixtures containing halogenated hydrocarbons at atmospheric pressure has been studied experimentally. When the wall is contaminated with combustion products, the additional amounts of bromine or iodine that passed from it into the volume reduce the efficiency of combustion inhibition of hydrogen–air mixtures by bromine- and iodine-containing hydrocarbons (the effect was more pronounced for iodinated substances) and weakens the self-inhibition of the combustion of ethyl bromide in a mixture with air, leading to the expansion of the concentration region of flame propagation. Based on the analysis of the known kinetic data, the experimentally observed picture was explained by a diminished role of the HI regeneration cycle during the inhibition of hydrogen combustion in air by iodinated hydrocarbon and decreased rate of the reaction of brominated hydrocarbons with atomic hydrogen when additional amounts of I2 and Br2 are supplied from the reactor wall.


S. Kopylov

All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection; National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

Email: firetest@mail.ru
143903, Balashikha, Russia; 115409, Moscow, Russia

P. Kopylov

State Fire Protection Service Academy

Email: firetest@mail.ru
129366, Moscow, Russia

I. Eltyshev

State Fire Protection Service Academy

Email: firetest@mail.ru
129366, Moscow, Russia

I. Begishev

State Fire Protection Service Academy

Email: firetest@mail.ru
129366, Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © С.Н. Копылов, П.С. Копылов, И.П. Елтышев, И.Р. Бегишев, 2023
