Organic Inhibitors of Metal Corrosion in Acid Solutions. I. Mechanism of Protective Action




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The review summarizes and analyzes the current state of research in the field of corrosion of metals in acid solutions and their inhibitory protection. The most important concepts about the metal corrosion mechanism in acidic media were considered. The existing experimental approaches to the study of metal corrosion in acid solutions and the effect of organic corrosion inhibitors on this process were discussed. It was shown that electrochemical and physicochemical methods play an important role in studies of the state of the metal surface. The mechanisms of metal corrosion inhibition in acid media were analyzed. The thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of adsorption of inhibitors on metals were considered. The maximum efficiency in metal protection is shown by organic compounds whose molecules are capable of chemisorption interaction with the metal surface, forming polymolecular protective layers of molecules chemically bonded with one another.


Ya. Avdeev

Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119071, Moscow, Russia

Yu. Kuznetsov

Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119071, Moscow, Russia


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