Structural Archetypes of the Earth’s Surface and N. A. Bulienkov’s T-Knot




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The author discusses the relationship between the structure of Bulienkov’s T-knot and ring geological structures on the Earth’s surface that have formed over eons. The positions of atoms in Bulienkov’s T‑knot correspond to the vertices of Platonic solids: two tetrahedra, an icosahedron, and an octahedron (27 positions in total, including the central one). If we place the central atom of Bulienkov’s T-knot at the center of a sphere (geoid) and project the remaining positions radially onto its surface, we can restore the classical ring structures known in geology on its surface using the projections as centers. Bulienkov’s T-knot allows us to obtain not only a clear hierarchical relationship between the icosahedral, octahedral, and tetrahedral models of the Earth’s ring structures, but to identify/confirm critical zones on the Earth known for anomalous geological structures and processes as well.


V. Kuz’min

Russian Technological University MIREA

119454, Moscow, Russia


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