Physical and Chemical Properties of Water in the Cytoplasma of Plant Cells



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A study is performed of the physicochemical properties of the aqueous component of the cytoplasm of a living cell and the intercellular fluid associated with their structural organization. As a single coherent system, the structure of the water component of a plant plays a crucial role in its water regime, and therefore determines the development and adaptability of the plant to environmental conditions. Low-frequency L-dielcometry is used for the first time in experimental studies of the water regime of plants. The change in the peak intensities in the spectrum of the dependence of the dielectric loss tangent on the EMF frequency under conditions of artificial drought for different phytotest objects is used to show there are two types of water in living plants: free and self-organized bound. Free water is responsible for the mode of evaporation, while bound water participates in the organization of a complex network of intercellular communications, including the transmission of different signals through putative synapse-like contacts. Results correlate fully with others from plant phytomonitoring with pulsed NMR at the Kazan Scientific School of Phytophysiologist. The conclusion that there are two types of water in a living plant simultaneously is substantiated theoretically on the basis of generalized crystallography using Bulienkov’s modular computer design. It is the most important component of the concept of quantum bioenergetics.

Sobre autores

L. Gall’

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences

198095, St. Petersburg, Russia

T. Kuleshova

Agrophysical Research Institute; Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

198095, St. Petersburg, Russia; 195220, St. Petersburg, Russia

N. Gall’

Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

195220, St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Berdnikov

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences

198095, St. Petersburg, Russia

I. Gall’

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
198095, St. Petersburg, Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Л.Н. Галль, Т.Э. Кулешова, Н.Р. Галль, А.С. Бердников, И.Р. Галль, 2023

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