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卷 163, 编号 1 (2023)



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Effekt Kholla v tunnel'nykh magnitnykh kontaktakh

Karashtin E., Gusev N., Pashen'kin I., Sapozhnikov M., Fraerman A.


We have constructed a theory of the Hall effect appearing during the passage of current in a magnetic tunnel junction due to the spin–orbit interaction in an insulator barrier in the approximation of a delta-shaped barrier potential. Both the normal Hall current flowing in metal banks as a result of asymmetric scattering in the tunneling barrier and the anomalous current existing only in the tunneling barrier due to the presence of the spin–orbit interaction in it are taken into account. We have considered the Rashba interaction that can be of intrinsic origin (noncentrosymmetric form of the barrier) or can be induced by an extraneous electric field emerging as a result of application of a potential difference to the barrier. Such a field can reach a value on the order of 109 W/m, which is close to intrinsic atomic fields. The Hall current has both linear and quadratic components in the voltage applied to the tunnel junction. The existence of the nonlinear Hall voltage corresponding to it has been illustrated experimentally in a CoFeB/MgO/Pt tunnel junction, in which the transverse (Hall) voltage has been measured in the Pt layer.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):5-13
pages 5-13 views

Ravnovesie sfericheskogo namagnichivayushchegosya tela v kaple magnitnoy zhidkosti v odnorodnom magnitnom pole

Sharova O., Vinogradova A., Sogomonyan K., Pelevina D., Naletova V.


The equilibrium of a spherical magnetizable body in a magnetic fluid drop resting on a horizontal plane in a uniform horizontal magnetic field is studied experimentally and theoretically. The dependences of the ball levitation height on the volume of the magnetic fluid and on the applied magnetic field are obtained numerically. In contrast to a vertical field in which noticeable levitation of a body has been predicted theoretically and confirmed experimentally, in a horizontal field, the theory predicts only a small lift of the ball, which is confirmed experimentally (levitation of the body has not been observed). The case of a tilted magnetic field is also investigated experimentally. It is found that the ball can levitate not only in a vertical, but also in a tilted magnetic field (in a certain range of tilt angles).

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):14-23
pages 14-23 views

Sravnenie usloviy rosta, strukturnykh i magnitnykh svoystv oksiboratov Cu2MBO5 (M = Cr, Fe, Mn) so strukturoy lyudvigita

Moshkina E., Bel'skaya N., Molokeev M., Bovina A., Shabanova K., Kokh D., Seretkin Y., Velikanov D., Eremin E., Krylov A., Bezmaternykh L.


Copper oxyborate single crystals with a ludwigite structure, Cu2MBO5 (M = Cr, Fe, Mn), containing different substitutes in the trivalent subsystem have been grown from Bi2O3–MoO3–Na2O–B2O3 fluxes. The structural properties of grown compounds have been compared in detail using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy methods. In addition, these methods have been used to determine the degree of cationic ordering in these ludwigites. The temperature and field dependences of the Cu2MBO5 (M = Cr, Fe, Mn) ludwigite magnetization are presented.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):24-34
pages 24-34 views

Kriticheskie yavleniya v dinamicheskoy teorii spinovykh fluktuatsiy

Mel'nikov N., Gulenko A., Rezer B.


Paramagnetic susceptibility and spin-density correlation function near the Curie temperature TC are studied using the dynamic spin fluctuation theory. The calculated critical indices of the susceptibility and correlation radius for Fe, Co, and Ni are found in reasonable agreement with bulk susceptibility measurements and neutron scattering experiments. It is shown that the critical power-law behavior holds at temperatures up to 1.10–1.15TC, which gives an estimate of the critical temperature region in ferromagnetic metals.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Magnitno-silovaya i nelineyno-opticheskaya mikroskopiya pripoverkhnostnoy domennoy struktury epitaksial'noy plenki ferrita-granata

Mamonov E., Novikov V., Maydykovskiy A., Temiryazeva M., Temiryazev A., Fedorova A., Logunov M., Nikitov S., Murzina T.


The magnetic properties of the surface layer of an epitaxial bismuth-doped iron garnet film with a weak uniaxial anisotropy are studied by magnetic force, optical, and nonlinear optical microscopy. A significant modulation of optical second harmonic generation intensity along stripe domains is detected near the free film surface. This modulation is caused by periodic distortions of the stripe domain structure near the film surface and the presence of surface closure domains detected by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). A series of MFM images of the film taken in an in-plane magnetic field varying from –400 to 400 Oe demonstrates quasi-static nucleation of closure domains periodically located along stripe domains.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):41-49
pages 41-49 views

Vysokochastotnaya vospriimchivost' ferromagnitnogo rezonansa v tonkikh plenkakh so sluchaynymi 1D- i 2D-neodnorodnostyami velichiny magnitnoy anizotropii

Ignatchenko V., Tsikalov D., Polukhin D.


The effect of random one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) inhomogeneities of the magnetic anisotropy on the shape and width of ferromagnetic resonance line in a thin film has been studied in the standard and new self-consistent approximations. It has been shown that resonance peaks in the case of 2D inhomogeneities are much narrower than those for 1D ones. Peaks are asymmetric in both the 1D and 2D cases, but asymmetry is larger in the latter case. As the correlation wavenumber of inhomogeneities kc increases, the width of a resonance line decreases and its amplitude increases. The amplitude of the FMR peak for 2D inhomogeneities increases much faster than that for 1D inhomogeneities. At the critical dimensionless parameter kcd/π ~ 1, where d is the thickness of the film, the width of the resonance line has an inflection point and the asymmetry of this line and the shift of the ferromagnetic resonance peak are maximal. It has been shown that the new self-consistent approximation reproduces the shape of the resonance line much better than the standard self-consistent approximation.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Otklik zaryadovoy podsistemy na fazovye perekhody v dvoynykh manganitakh LnBaMn2O6

Mostovshchikova E., Sterkhov E., Pyzh'yanov Y., Titova S.


We study the structural, magnetic, and optical properties of double manganites LnBaMn2O6 with Ln = Pr, Nd, Sm, Nd1 – xSmx (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75). Analysis of the temperature dependences of transmission in the near IR range has shown the difference in the responses of the charge subsystem for different types of charge/orbital ordering in the system. In PrBaMn2O6 manganite, the orbital ordering of the dx2−y2 type leads to an insulator state at low temperatures. The charge subsystem of manganites NdBaMn2O6, Nd0.75Sm0.25BaMn2O6, and Nd0.5Sm0.5BaMn2O6 is sensitive to the orbital ordering type: in the temperature interval TCO2 < T < TCO1, where pairwise alignment of layers with d3x2−r2/d3y2−r2 ordered orbitals is realized, the semiconductor character of charge carriers is observed, while upon a transition to the layer-by-layer alignment of orbitally ordered layers for T < TCO2, charge carriers are of the metal character. In manganites Nd0.25Sm0.75BaMn2O6 and SmBaMn2O6, the absence of clearly manifested metal nature of the charge subsystem at T < TCO2 is associated with the formation of the antiferromagnetic ordering of the CE type.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):58-65
pages 58-65 views

Gisterezis namagnichennosti i elektricheskoy polyarizatsii v magnitnykh nanostrukturakh so vzaimodeystviem Dzyaloshinskogo-Moriya

Gareeva Z., Shul'ga N., Sharafullin I., Doroshenko R., Zvezdin A.


The influence of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI) on the formation of polar structures in nanoscale magnetoelectric films has been studied. The sequence of micromagnetic structures of different topology at magnetization and remagnetization of a film of limited size in a magnetic field oriented along the normal to the film surface is investigated. It is shown that the formation of polar structures is related to the existence of magnetic structures. Specific features of polar states in dependence of the DMI type and the interface symmetry is analyzed.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):66-71
pages 66-71 views

Upravlyaemaya lazernym izlucheniem spin-volnovaya interferentsiya v neregulyarnoy magnonnoy strukture

Grachev A., Sadovnikov A.


Using experimental and numerical investigation, we demonstrate laser-controlled propagation and interaction of spin waves in an irregular magnetic structure in the geometry of the Mach–Zehnder interferometer. It is shown that the use of laser radiation for heating one of the interferometer arms leads to controlled interference of a spin-wave signal in the output section. The yttrium–iron garnet film heating under the action of laser radiation is measured experimentally. Using micromagnetic modeling, the evolution of the spin-wave interference pattern under the action of laser heating of one of the interferometer arm is demonstrated. The results of this study ensure a simple solution for developing tunable spin-wave interferometers for the paradigm of the magnonic logics.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Osobennosti formirovaniya ploskikh neodnorodnykh struktur v nanorazmernykh magnitnykh plenkakh

Magadeev E., Vakhitov R., Kanbekov R.


Stability conditions are studied for vortex-like inhomogeneities in perforated ferromagnetic films with strong easy plane uniaxial anisotropy. It is shown that nontrivial magnetic structures characterized by the absence of out of plane magnetization can be observed at absolute values of the anisotropy constant exceeding a certain threshold value. Possible (analytical, numerical, and empirical) methods for calculating this threshold value are developed. Universal estimates of the minimum permissible value of the anisotropy constant are obtained in a number of important cases. Feasible scenarios for the loss of stability of the magnetic structure under the variation of the material parameters of the film are analyzed.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):78-86
pages 78-86 views

Vliyanie usloviy polimerizatsii na magnitnye svoystva ferrokompozita

Radushnov D., Solov'eva A., Elfimova E.


This paper is devoted to a theoretical study of the magnetic properties of an ensemble of single-domain interacting magnetic nanoparticles embedded in an immobile polymer matrix. This model is typical for the description of magnetically active polymer ferrocomposites widely used in industrial and biomedical applications. A ferrocomposite is assumed to be produced by carrier medium solidification in a ferrofluid in an external magnetic field hp at a polymerization temperature Tp; after carrier fluid solidification, the nanoparticles retain the spatial distribution and orientation of their easy magnetization axes that they had before carrier medium solidification. The contribution of interparticle dipole–dipole interactions to the static magnetization of a ferrocomposite as a function of the magnetic field strength h and polymerization field hp has been studied separately. The effects of the polymerization temperature and the size of magnetic nanoparticles on the magnetic properties of a ferrocomposite have been analyzed. The analytical expressions for the magnetization and initial magnetic susceptibility presented in the paper make it possible to predict the magnetic properties of a ferrocomposite as a function of its intrinsic characteristics and synthesis conditions, which is a theoretical basis for the production of ferrocomposites with a predetermined magnetic response in a given magnetic field.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):87-95
pages 87-95 views

Magnitouprugost' yan-tellerovskoy podsistemy v kristallakh tipa AIIBVI, dopirovannykh khromom

Sarychev M., Zhevstovskikh I., Korostelin Y., Surikov V., Averkiev N., Gudkov V.


The influence of an external magnetic field on the complex elastic moduli of crystals with a sphalerite or zinc blende (ZnSe) and wurtzite (CdSe) structure lightly doped by Cr2+ ions has been investigated. Measurements have been performed in the frequency interval 26–32 MHz at 1.4 K. In II–VI crystals, bivalent chromium cations are triply orbital-degenerate in the ground state and, being in a tetrahedral environment, produce Jahn–Teller complexes. These complexes are described in terms of the T ⊗ (e + t2)-problem and exhibit the adiabatic potential energy surface with the global minima of tetragonal symmetry. It has been found that in ZnSe:Cr2+ crystals, a magnetic field directed along the [001] and [110] axes influences modulus (c11 – c12)/2 and does not influence modulus c44. In CdSe:Cr2+ crystals, however, moduli c55 and c66, which are the analogs of (c11 – c12)/2 and c44, depend on the magnetic field directed along the [101¯0101¯0] and [21¯1¯021¯1¯0] axes, respectively. The discovered anomalous behavior of the elastic moduli with magnetic field has been treated in terms of a model that takes into account the crystal field, vibronic and spin-orbital interactions, and the contribution of the Jahn–Teller subsystem to isothermal moduli determined at a constant magnetic induction. Good agreement with experimental dependences of the elastic moduli in strong magnetic fields has been obtained, and it has been shown that the nonmonotonic variation in weak magnetic fields (below 2 T) should be associated with a magnetic field dependence of the relaxation time.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):96-105
pages 96-105 views

Osobennosti sinteza i magnitnaya mikrostruktura troynykh uporyadochennykh splavov Fe - Al - M (M = Ga, B, Sn, V, Mn)

Voronina E., Abdullin A., Ivanova A., Dobysheva L., Korolev A., Arzhnikov A.


The synthesis and the structural and magnetic characteristics of ternary nonstoichiometric Fe65 – xAl35 – yMx, y (My = Ga, B, Sn; Mx = V, Mn; x = 3, 5, 10 at %) compounds are experimentally and theoretically studied. Quantum-mechanical calculations of the energy of formation and an electronic structure explain the characteristic features of the phase transformations that occur during the synthesis and describe the experimentally observed changes in the magnetic parameters for various impurity elements.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):106-114
pages 106-114 views

Issledovanie protsessov namagnichivaniya antiferromagnitnykh nanochastits v sil'nykh impul'snykh polyakh (miniobzor)

Krasikov A., Balaev D.


We present a brief review of investigations and analysis of magnetization curves M(H) for NiO and ferrihydrite antiferromagnetic nanoparticles in external fields up to 250 kOe. For correct interpretation of magnetic properties of systems of antiferromagnetic nanoparticles, it is important to take into account the segment of M(H) dependences, which corresponds to high fields (exceeding 100 kOe). We analyze the regularities in the formation of additional magnetic subsystems in antiferromagnetically ordered nanoparticles due to the influence of size effects. These additional subsystems (the ferromagnetic subsystem associated with uncompensated magnetic moment and the subsystem of surface free spins) are estimated quantitatively. It is shown that antiferromagnetic nanoparticles with a size of 5 nm acquire the properties of “nanomagnets,” which are not inferior to those for iron-oxide ferromagnetic nanoparticles of the same size.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):115-124
pages 115-124 views

Formirovanie polos nepropuskaniyaspin-volnovogo signala v meandrovykh strukturakh iz ZhIG

Gubanova Y., Gubanov V., Beginin E., Sadovnikov A.


A meander waveguide made of an yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film with variation of the profile is studied with a view to the possible control of band bands for surface spin waves (SSWs). The finite element method is used to determine the control mechanism of forbidden band gaps in thin YIG films. The electromagnetic problem is solved, and the dispersion characteristics of spin waves are plotted for various geometrical parameters of the meander. The nature of the change in the frequency ranges of Bragg forbidden band gaps is studied in detail depending on the profile of the meander. It is demonstrated that a three-dimensional spin-wave structure with broken translational symmetry that uses vertical spin-wave transport provides an information signal transmission in a three-dimensional configuration of magnonic networks.

Žurnal èksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;163(1):125-127
pages 125-127 views