Finite Time Effects in Single and Double Compton Scattering

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The process of Compton scattering by a free electron with subsequent reemission of one or two photons is considered in the assumption of finite interaction time. The corresponding cross sections are obtained in the framework of relativistic quantum electrodynamics using a modified form of fermion propagator with complex transmitted momentum. It is shown that finite time effects can be observable at sufficiently low energies of scattered photons. The proposed method also regularizes arising infrared divergence in the cross section of the double Compton effect. Possible experimental verification of considered theoretical approach is discussed.

About the authors

V. K Dubrovich

Special Astrophysical Observatory, St. Petersburg Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

196140, St. Petersburg

T. A Zalyalyutdinov

Russia Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State University; Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov of National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”

Author for correspondence.
Petrodvorets, 198504, St. Petersburg, Russia; 188300, St. Petersburg


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