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In this paper, we theoretically study the nonlinear dynamics of Wannier – Stark states in a dissipative system of interacting optical resonators whose resonant frequencies depend linearly on their number. We show that negative losses in some resonators can switch the system to a lasing regime with Wannier – Stark states acting as working modes. Our extensive numerical simulations show that single-frequency stationary regimes can exist in such a system as well as multi-frequency ones. In the latter case, Bloch oscillations can appear in the system. We investigate selective excitation of Wannier – Stark states enabled by an appropriate dissipation profile. A simple perturbation theory describing the quasi-linear regimes is developed and compared with the numerical results.

About the authors

A. Verbitskiy

School of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University

Email: alexey.verbitskiy@metalab.ifmo.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Yulin

School of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University

St. Petersburg, Russia


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