Nizkorazmernyy magnetizm v namibite Cu(BiO)2VO4OH



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A synthetic analog of rare secondary mineral namibite Cu(BiO)2VO4OH has been obtained by the hydrothermal method. The crystal structure of this compound contains isolated uniform chains of vertex-connected copper–oxygen octahedra. Magnetic susceptibility (χ) and magnetization (M) measurements have not indicated the long-range order in the temperature interval 2–300 K. Specific heat (Cp) measurements suggest the formation of a spin-liquid state at low temperatures. X-band electron paramagnetic resonance data recorded at low temperatures have demonstrated only a signal from impurities. First-principles calculations have estimated the exchange interaction in the chains as J = 555 K, whereas exchange interactions between the chains turn out to be one to two orders of magnitude smaller. Thus, namibite represents a rare example of an unordered half-integer spin chain.

Sobre autores

L. Shvanskaya

Moscow State University; National Research Technological University MISIS

119991, Moscow, Russia; 119049, Moscow, Russia

T. Bushneva

Moscow State University

119991, Moscow, Russia

A. Ivanova

Federal Research Center “Crystallography and Photonics,” Russian Academy of Sciences

119333, Moscow, Russia

Z. Pchelkina

Ural Federal University; Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

620002, Yekaterinburg, Russia; 620900, Yekaterinburg, Russia

T. Vasil'chikova

Moscow State University; National Research Technological University MISIS

119991, Moscow, Russia; 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russia

O. Volkova

Moscow State University; National Research Technological University MISIS

119991, Moscow, Russia; 119049, Moscow, Russia

A. Vasil'ev

Moscow State University; National Research Technological University MISIS

Autor responsável pela correspondência
119991, Moscow, Russia; 119049, Moscow, Russia


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