Comparative Analysis of Chemical Compositions of Mentha L. Plant Extracts by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry after Hydrodistillation and Subcritical Extraction



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The results of a study of the composition of essential oil and extracts obtained by hydrodistillation and subcritical extraction from plants of the genus Mentha L. are presented. The test samples were peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) and horsemint (Mentha longifolia L.). Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was used to identify and compare the component composition of essential oils and extracts from Mentha L. plants. The composition of the essential oil of horsemint differs from the essential oil of peppermint by the high concentration of linalool and the absence of pulegone and piperitone. The component composition of the extracts of peppermint and horsemint, obtained under conditions of subcritical extraction with water and acetone, was studied. The concentration of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and esters increased in the transition from the essential oil to the acetone subcritical extract of both types of mint. In the water extract of peppermint, there were practically no sesquiterpenoids or esters; there was a general decrease in the yield of all components compared to the essential oil and acetone extract.

Sobre autores

D. Nazarova

Kuban State University

350040, Krasnodar, Russia

Z. Temerdashev

Kuban State University

350040, Krasnodar, Russia

E. Vinitskaya

Subtropical Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences

354002, Sochi, Russia

N. Kiseleva

Kuban State University

350040, Krasnodar, Russia

M. Nagalevskii

Kuban State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
350040, Krasnodar, Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Д.В. Назарова, З.А. Темердашев, Е.А. Виницкая, Н.В. Киселева, М.В. Нагалевский, 2023

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