Chromatographic Determination of Ibuprofen in Rhodococcus Culture Media and Kinetic Modeling of Its Biodegradation Process

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The conditions for the chromatographic determination of ibuprofen in culture media of Rhodococcus spp. by reversed-phase HPLC are chosen. The specificity, linearity, and accuracy of the developed procedure are confirmed by the validation procedure, which allows its use for a reliable assessment of ibuprofen concentration in the process of bacterial degradation. With the use of kinetic modeling, a forecast is made for changes in the concentration of ibuprofen; the half-life period, the end time of the biodegradation process, and its reproducibility are determined.

About the authors

E. V. Vikhareva

Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

614990, Perm, Russia; 614900, Perm, Russia

A. A. Selyaninov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

614990, Perm, Russia

G. A. Bazhutin

Perm Federal Research Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

614990, Perm, Russia

E. A. Tyumina

Perm Federal Research Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
614990, Perm, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Е.В. Вихарева, А.А. Селянинов, Г.А. Бажутин, Е.А. Тюмина

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