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卷 63, 编号 3 (2023)



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A New Whalefish Species of the Genus Cetomimus (Cetomimidae) from the Tropical Part of the Central Atlantic

Kobyliansky S., Gordeeva N., Mishin A.


A new species of bathypelagic whalefishes of the genus Cetomimus is described; its two specimens were caught over the central tropical part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the layers of 1500–0 and 2680–0 m. The species is characterized by the presence of 31/2 gill arches (with a small slit behind the third gill arch) and cavernous tissue developed only around the anus and above the bases of the first to sixth rays of the anal fin; large pores in the lateral line canal, which are approximately as wide as this canal; the absence of large, valve-shaped triangular outgrowths along the margin of septa between pores in the posterior part of the lateral line; 42–48 vertebrae; and 20, 17–18, and 18 rays in the pectoral, dorsal, and anal fins, respectively; 17–18 pores in the lateral line canal between the upper margin of the gill cover and the end of the caudal peduncle, as well as by some other diagnostic features. The first molecular genetic data for the described species (mtDNA COX-1 sequences, or DNA barcodes) and analysis of interspecific divergence in the genus Cetomimus are given

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):251-264
pages 251-264 views

A Juvenile of Rhinopias cf. argoliba (Scorpaenidae) from the Tropical Western Pacific

Prokofiev A., Maclaine J.


A juvenile of Rhinopias cf. argoliba 28 mm SL collected in the western part of the Pacific Ocean eastward of the Philippines is described. It is characterized by an incomplete metamorphosis with some larval characters retained such as the developed spination and relatively straight dorsal contour of the head, absence of the scales and the branched fin rays (except in pelvic fins), and a long penultimate dorsal-fin spine. Comparison of this juvenile with juveniles of R. aphanes 11–22 mm SL reveals the diagnostic importance of the pigmentation of the pectoral fin which disappears in the adult fishes. A possible synonymy of the genera Rhinopias and Pogonoscorpius was repeatedly supposed by the former authors. The poorly-known Pogonoscorpius sechellensis retains the features characteristic for the species of Rhinopias from the earliest ontogenetic stages only, and probably represents a neotenic species of the latter genus.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):265-273
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Comparative Analysis of the Morphological Diversity Structure of Altai Osmans of the Genus Oreoleuciscus (Cyprinidae) in the Riverine Populations of Three Mongolian Water Systems

Mironovsky A., Slynko E.


Analysis of the structure of the morphological diversity of the Altai osmans of the genus Oreoleuciscus in the Urt River (water system of the Tes River) indicates that this is a polymorphic population, consisting of three forms, clearly differentiated by a set of characters. The ratio of differences between these forms and forms previously identified in the Zavkhan (water system of the Great Lakes Hollow) and Tuin (water system of the Lake Valley) rivers suggests that the characters considered in the study are adaptively plastic, and the revealed structure of the morphological diversity of the genus is mostly determined by local patterns of environmental conditions.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):274-281
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Regional Characteristics Affecting Distribution of Plain Sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok (Cottidae) in the Russian Territorial Waters in the Sea of Japan

Panchenko V., Vdovin A., Panchenko L.


Two intraspecific groups of the plain sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok inhabiting the Russian territoral waters in the Sea of Japan, representing the northern and southern species groups, have been revealed. In a summer season, the species groups are separated from each other by a wide water area extending from 45° to 48° N. The northern species-group nucleus in this period is located in the Tatar Strait inlet, while the southern species group inhabits the Peter the Great Bay. In the summertime, the plain sculpin prefers the upper slope shelf area with water column depths ranged from 80 m (for the southern species group) to 60 m (for the northern species group). The juvenile fish tend to be found in shallower waters as opposed to the mature fish. In a cold season, the majority of fish stocks of the southern species group is still congregating in the Peter the Great Bay, shifting to the shelf edge and the continental slope. Some porton of male fish remains at spawning grounds in the coastal zone to the springtime to guard egg clutches. The specimens of the nothern group leave the shallow-water Tatar Bay inlet at massive level to congregate over the winter in the locations of a deep-water area off the mid-coastal zone of the Sakhalin Island. The specimens of the northern group reach the body length of 67 cm, while the sizes in the southern fish group are larger, reaching 75 cm in length.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):282-290
pages 282-290 views

Quantitative Distribution of the Flying Fish (Exocoetidae), Marine Mammals, Birds, and Sea Turtles in the Northern Part of the Central Atlantic Ocean (Results Obtained in the Research Cruises nos. 43–45 of the R/V “Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov”)

Shakhovskoy I.


The results of visual assessments of the flying fish (Exocoetidae), marine mammals, birds, and sea turtles, carried out mainly in the northern part of the Central Atlantic Ocean both during the ship was under way and at stations, are presented. Schematic maps of the quantitative distribution of the detected animals and of the specific biomass of the flying fish are provided. In terms of abundance and biomass of the flying fish, the studied region of the Atlantic south of 30° N is one of the most productive in the World Ocean, no signs of decreasing productivity have been found when compared with data obtained earlier. Tremendous abundance of gulfweed (Sargassum) in the study area is expected to have a positive effect on the abundance of birds and four-winged flying fish (subfamily Cypselurinae); at the same time, it apparently had a negative impact on the abundance of two–winged flying fish (genus Exocoetus). As a result, four-winged flying fish began to significantly predominate in the study area replacing the two-winged flying fish that dominated by abundance for almost a century. The relationships between the abundance of the flying fish and birds and some environmental parameters have been studied. An attempt has been made to assess the influence of various environmental factors on the quantitative distribution of the flying fish and birds using mathematical models.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):291
pages 291 views

Age Determination of the Azov Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus maeoticus (Engraulidae) Based on the Otolith Image Analysis

Chesalin M.


To specify the age determination of the Azov anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus maeoticus, the length of otoliths of the age 0+ fish and the radii of annual rings in the otoliths of individuals of different age groups have been analysed. The otoliths of 380 fish caught in the Sea of Azov in October–November 2018 and off the northwestern coast of the Caucasus in February 2019 have been analyzed. The ImageJ software has been used for measuring the maximum otolith length and plotting the reflected light intensity profiles along the length of the otolith transect. In the fingerlings (0+) with an average total length of 70.9 ± 6.7 mm, in October–November, the otolith radius averaged 0.95 ± 0.08 mm, while in February, with an average 66.6 ± 10.6 mm, it was 0.86 ± 0.15 mm. In the smallest fish (48–55 mm), the distance from the core of the otolith to the edge of the white opaque zone varied from 0.54 to 0.72 mm (on average, 0.63 ± 0.04 mm). According to the averaged data, the radii to the center of the dark hyaline zone of otoliths for different age groups of anchovy are: R1, 0.94 ± 0.09; R2, 1.23 ± 0.08; and R3, 1.40 ± 0.07 mm. The present study is aimed at developing automatic methods for determining the age of fish from light intensity profile peaks on otolith images.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):292-301
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Direct Ageing and Growth using Dorsal Fin Spines of Bluefin Tuna Thunnus thynnus (Scombridae) Reared in Sea Cages and a Comparison with Wild Populations

Milatou  N., Megalofonou P.


The main objectives of this study were to estimate the age and growth of reared Atlantic bluefin tuna and to reveal possible differences in growth between reared and wild specimens. A total of 806 specimens, ranging from 102 to 284 cm in length, were sampled from a Greek tuna farm in the Mediterranean Sea. The first spine of the first dorsal fin was used to estimate the age. Estimated ages ranged from 3 to 20 years, and the reproducibility of the ageing method was high. The proportion of the mean number of missing annuli per age due to vascularization ranged from 27.8 to 40.0%, with an average loss of 33.5%. No significant differences in the number of missing annuli were observed between 6–month and 18–month reared specimens of the same age group. The von Bertalanffy growth model was fitted a) to mean FL-at-age data and b) to mean RW-at-age data, and the growth equations found were: Lt = 296.6[1 – e(−0.114) (t + 1.026)] and Wt = 591.6[1 – e(−0.100)(t + 1.755)]3. Our results showed that the rearing process accelerates the growth of the Atlantic bluefin tuna and this was also evident in the calcified structure. In comparison with previous studies of growth in wild bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean Sea, mean weights at age of the reared fish were higher than those from wild fish in all age groups and lengths at age of the reared bluefin tuna were higher in younger fish, up to 6 years old.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):302
pages 302 views

Age, Growth, Maturation and Mortality of Picarel Spicara flexuosa (Sparidae) from the Crimea Water Area (Black Sea)

Kutsyn D.


The results of the study of the sex and size-age structure, growth, maturation, sexual inversion, dynamics of the gonadosomatic index and mortality of 1948 individuals of the picarel Spicara flexuosa caught in the Crimea water area in 2020–2021 are presented. The total sex ratio in catches is biased towards females (3.5 : 1.0); sex inversion was recorded in 50% of females with a total body length of 13.5 ± 0.05 cm at the age of 3+. The maximum length of females is 15.1 cm, males, 22.0 cm; the weight is 29.0 and 132.2 g, respectively. The maximum age of females and males is 4 and 7 years, respectively. The values of the parameters of the von Bertalanffy equation are calculated: for females, the asymptotic length is 15.69 cm, the asymptotic weight is 32.0 g, the growth coefficient is 0.49 year–1; for males, 18.32 cm, 59.7 g and 0.44 year–1, respectively. A value of the exponent in the length-weight relationship is 2.68 for females (negative allometry) and 3.0 for males (isometry). The sexual maturity of 50% of females occurs at a length of 10.34 ± 0.21 cm at the age of 1+. The peak of spawning occurs in June. The rates of total, natural and fishing mortality are 1.2, 1.9 and 0.3 year–1, respectively in both sexes; the exploitation rate is 0.25, which indicates a low fishing pressure. It is established that S. flexuosa from northern populations is characterized by larger maximum sizes, a higher growth rate and a longer life expectancy

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):303-315
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The Role of Respawning Individuals in the Reproduction of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar (Salmonidae). Mathematical Simulation

Alekseev M.


Analysis of long-term fishing and biological data has made it possible to determine the proportion of respawning individuals (the “remainder”) in populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar inhabiting large rivers of the Kola Peninsula. The contribution of respawning individuals to the dynamics of the Atlantic salmon population was assessed using the mathematical simulation model. It is shown that the model population becomes more resistant to fishing with increase in the “remainder” proportion; however, the influence of such individuals on the population dynamics is noticeable only when their relative number is more than 5% in the spawning population. The results of different model experiments are interpreted. The role of respawning salmons may be determined not so much by their quantitative contribution to the reproduction process as by the maintenance of the genetic diversity of the population within the reproductive strategy characteristic of the Atlantic salmon

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):316-322
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Description of the Sex Hormone-Secreting Cells during Oocyte Development and Atresia in Flathead Grey Mullet Mugil cephalus (Mugilidae) in Al-Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt

Mousa M., El-Messady F., Khalil N.


The present study described the changes of steroidogenic cells accompanied the ovarian maturation in flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, from Al-Bardawil lagoon. Here, five periods of ovarian development including previtellogenesis, vitellogenesis (early, mid, and late), and pre-spawning ones were successfully obtained from mullet female inhabiting Al-Bardawill lagoon. In addition, abnormal feature of atresia was noticed in the vitellogenic stages of the ovaries. In atretic follicles, the granulosa cells converted into active phagocytic cells digesting and consuming the yolk in those oocytes. The histochemical and ultrastructural observations showed that the follicular cells, theca and granulosa of the developing oocytes are the site of the sex hormones synthesis. Both theca and granulosa have manifested both quantitative and qualitative alterations concomitant during oogenesis as reflected by an obvious increase in number, size, and content of lipid droplets of those cells. In conclusion, the present observations show the histological and ultrastructural changes of steroidogenic cells during ovarian maturation and atresia of the grey mullet. This new information is essential for managing and preserving Al-Bardawil lagoon as a natural source of mullet broodstock and for achieving sustainable development for this fish.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):323
pages 323 views

Diet Composition and Reproductive Properties of European Conger, Conger conger (Congridae) in the Turkish Aegean Sea

Bayhan  B., Taylan B.


The diet composition and reproductive properties of European conger, Conger conger (Linnaeus, 1758) were investigated from the Aegean Sea of Türkiye to compare our data with those from other regions of the Mediterranean Sea and throughout all four seasons. A total of 100 individuals were examined. Totally 19 prey taxa belonging to three large taxon (cephalopods, crustaceans, and fishes) were identified in the stomachs of European conger. According to the relative significance index the crustaceans were dominant food in diet of individuals smaller than 50 cm, while fish prevailed in diet of fish with length between 75 and 100 cm. Histological analysis of 80 gonads showed that all individuals were immature (20%) and maturuing females (80%). Maturing females were with oocytes in the previtellogenic (16% of all fishes) and early vitellogenic phases (64%). The oocyte diameters were 80–476 μm at previtellogenic (diameter range 80–240 μm) and 245–476 μm at early vitellogenic individuals. Immature females had the gonads with the oocyte diameter < 30 μm

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):324
pages 324 views

Feeding Ecology of Red Seabream, Pagrus major (Sparidae) in the Korea Strait

Jin S., Kim D., Seong G., Kang D., Jeong J., Kim H., Baeck G.


The feeding ecology of red seabream, Pagrus major was studied using 1046 specimens collected by danish seine and bottom trawl from January to December 2018 in the Korea Strait. The size of the individuals ranged from 18.4 to 70.4 cm in fork length. Red seabream was a carnivore that consumed mainly anthozoans, brachyurans, and cephalopods. Its diets included also small quantities of amphipods, anomurans, ophiurids, gastropods, polychaetas, etc. We calculated the trophic level as 3.57 for red seabream. As red seabream grows, the proportion of relatively small prey items such as anomurans and ophiuroids decreases, while that of large prey items such as anthozoans, brachyurans, and cephalopods increases. In the largest size class (≥45 cm FL), cephalopods and pisces are its main prey. Alsoe, the body size of red seabream increased the mean weight of prey per stomach tended to increase significantly (One-way ANOVA: p < 0.05). The diet composition of red seabream showed seasonal changes. The cephalopods were the dominant prey items for all seasons. The weight proportion of brachyurans was higher in summer and autumn, whereas anthozoans feeding rate was the highest in winter. PERMANOVA analysis showed significant variations among size classes and seasons. The feeding intensity by size class and season observed no significant difference (One-way ANOVA: p > 0.05). As a result of the feeding strategy analysis, red seabream was a generalized feeder, with a wide niche width.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):325
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Factors Determining the Replenishment of Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Salmonidae) on Iturup Island

Ostrovskiy V., Kaev A.


Based on the data on the abundance of 53 generations of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha of Iturup Island (spawners on spawning grounds, downstream migrating juveniles and the return of mature fish), a model describing the dependence of the abundance of mature pink salmon offspring on the initial abundance of generations and the effect of external factors was constructed using nonlinear regression analysis. The model explains about 80% of the replenishment variability, and it depends more on the effect of external factors in the freshwater period of life. The variability of replenishment is most closely related to factors related to the hydrological regime of rivers. The dependence of replenishment on the abundance of juveniles migrating downstream from spawning grounds, described by the dome-shaped curve, indicates the limiting effect of density factors on the formation of the abundance of pink salmon during the marine period of life. At the same time, a statistically significant effect of the abundance of juveniles released from fish hatcheries on the dynamics of the replenishment was not found.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):326-338
pages 326-338 views

Study of the Polymorphism of ISSR Markers in Spined Loaches of the Genus Cobitis (Cobitidae) in Connection with Problems of Differentiation of the Species Involved in the Formation of Polyploid Forms of Hybrid Origin and Determination of Their Taxonomic Status

Volkov A., Rastorguev S., Vasil’eva E., Vasil’ev V.


We have analyzed the polymorphism of ISSR fragments of DNA by polymerase chain reaction in spined loaches for the first time. The analysis has made it possible to successfully differentiate the genomes, which were presumably involved in the formation of polyploid forms of hybrid origin: Cobitis taenia; spined loaches from the Danube River basin, which are diagnosed as C. elongatoides; C. tanaitica from the Don River basin and spined loaches from Lake Sinoe, which are also assigned to the species C. tanaitica by a number of authors. The following conclusions have been made based on comparative morphological studies of previously undifferentiated forms: (1) spined loaches from Central Europe with karyotype 2n = 50, NF = 96 correspond to the diagnosis of the species C. elongatoides; this species also differs from a number of closely related species and polyploid forms in the origin of the dorsal fin in front of the base of the pelvic fins, as well as in the presence of a spot in the lower half of the caudal fin base; (2) spined loaches from Lake Sinoe and other populations of Central Europe with karyotype 2n = 50, NF = 86 are nonconspecific to C. tanaitica and should apparently be ranked as an independent species, C. megaspila

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):339-351
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Genetic Variations of Fourth Exon Region of Prolactin Gene and Its Associations with Growth Traits in European Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax (Moronidae)

Özcan-Gökçek E., Işık R.


European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (Moronidae), which has a high commercial value, is mainly produced in the Mediterranean region. Prolactin (PRL) is a member of the helix bundle protein family that is secreted in the anterior pituitary gland and has a significant role in osmoregulation and growth in teleost fish. In this study, we investigated the genetic variation of the partial sequence of 3rd, 4th introns, and 4th exon regions of the PRL gene in Dicentrarchus labrax and its association with growth traits that were reared in cage conditions. Two SNPs (g.484 A > C, g.529 T > C) and one 15 bp indel (insertion/deletion) have been found in the 3rd intron region of the PRL gene of Dicentrarchus labrax. A significant association has been identified between the total body weight and the genotypes for PRL g.529 T > C locus (р < 0.05). The heterozygote genotype of the PRL g.529 T > C locus has a significantly higher total body weight than the other genotypes in the population (p < 0.05). Association analysis indicated that this SNP in the PRL gene is correlated with growth traits and could be used for genomic selection programs in Dicentrarchus labrax breeding.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):352
pages 352 views

Spine Anomalies and Vertebral Phenotypes in the Underyearlings of Roach Rutilus rutilus (Cyprinidae) after Separate and Combined Exposure to a Magnetic Field and Metrifonate on Embryos

Chebotareva Y., Krylov V., Talikina M., Izyumov Y.


Anomalies in the spine structure and vertebral phenotypes were studied in 4-month-old underyearlings of the roach Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) after combined or separate exposure of embryos to a magnetic field (frequency 500 Hz, induction 150 μT) and metrifonate (concentration 0.01 mg/L) for 48 h from fertilization to the onset of organogenesis in comparison with control (no treatment). The most common developmental disorders of the spine in all groups are open neural or haemal arches, as well as deformities and fusions of the vertebra bodies. An increase in the total number of vertebrae and their number in the trunk section of the spine were noted in fish with vertebra fusions. Juveniles under treatments differed from those in control by a greater number of spinal anomalies, as well as by the frequency of occurrence of specific vertebral phenotypes. The magnetic field had the greatest effect.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):353-364
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Effects of Salinity on Lipid Composition in Juvenile Pinc Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Salmonidae)

Vasileva O., Efremov D., Ruokolainen T., Nemova N.


Lipid and fatty acid modifications induced by the effects of various salinity patterns on the juvenile pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (the Olkhovka River and the White Sea) within the experiment have been revealed. Concentrations of steroids, saturated fatty acids, and signaling molecules such as phospholipids (phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol) and arachidonic acid under the hyperosmotic stress-related effects (keeping the fish for 1 h in the seawater after the time of transfer from the freswater) tend to increase. Decreases in phosphatidylcholine and n-6 saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids are recorded in the juvenile pink salmon fish kept for 24 h in the seawater after the time of transfer them from the freswater, while the levels of phosphatidylethanolamine and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids), on the contrary, tend to rise significantly. Lipid composition modifications in the juvenile pink salmon fish kept under the hypoosmotic stress conditions (24 h in freshwater after 24 h in seawater) induce stabilization of functioning the cell membrane structure, since the levels of bioeffectors including phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic acids tend to decrease. A reduced amount of lipids (triacylglycerols) stored as an energy reserve is shown for all the experimental fish groups. The outcomes indicate the high levels of adaptive potential of the juvenile pink salmon fish kept under the effects of abrupt salinity change in the water environments and their readiness for downstream migration not long before leaving the nests.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):365-371
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New Distributional Record of the Short-Snouted Scorpionfish, Scorpaenopsis obtusa (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae), from Indian Coastal Waters

Subburaman S., Murugan A., Mahadevan G., Immanuel G., Fricke R.


A new record of the Short–snouted scorpionfish, Scorpaenopsis obtusa Randall et Eschmeyer, 2002 is reported from India’s southeast coast. Three specimens were collected (67.6–75.1 mm SL) as trawl-fishery bycatch at Tuticorin fishing harbour, India on 21 April 2022. Morphometric and meristic characters were measured and compared with published data. The record of this species from India expands the known distribution of S. obtusa, previously reported from Myanmar eastward. The above species is a new addition to the list of marine fishes of Indian coastal waters.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(3):372
pages 372 views