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Vol 143, No 6 (2023)

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Reproductive Criteria of Multicellularity and Original Modes of Reproduction

Gavrilov-Zimin I.A.


The reproductive criteria of multicellularity are proposed for the first time. Terminologically the multicellularity is advised to subdivide into three variants: 1) protonemal – the most primitive, known in multicellular prokaryotes, in majority groups of multicellular algae and in gametophytes of some embryophyte plants; 2) siphonoseptal, distributed amongst multicellular fungi, some groups of green and yellow-green algae; 3) embryogenic, the most complicated, characteristic of all animals (Metazoa), sporophytes and some gametophytes of embryophyte plants, charophyte algae (Charophyceae s.s.), oogamous genera of green and brown algae, some genera of red algae. In addition to well-known subdivision of the reproduction into sexual and asexual variants, it is advised to consider monocitic (appearance of the new organism from one cell in course of sexual or asexual reproduction) and polycitic (fragmentation, longitudinal/transverse division, budding, basing on numerous cells of maternal organisms), because both these modes have different evolutional and ontogenetic origin. It is demonstrated that the internal fertilization was the original feature of reproduction in animals (Metazoa), land plants (Embryophyta), most groups of multicellular oogamous algae, in oogamous and pseudoogamous fungi. Correspondingly, in course of the sexual reproduction, viviparous development was the ancestral for animals, whereas the germination of the zygote on (or inside) maternal organism was the ancestral for Embryophyta and most oogamous algae.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):523-552
pages 523-552 views

The Modern Concept of Hormesis: Overview of the Issue and Significance for Ecology

Erofeeva E.A., Gelashvili D.B., Rozenberg G.S.


Currently, it has been established that when living organisms are exposed to various environmental factors (abiotic, biotic, and anthropogenic), hormesis is a fairly common phenomenon. Hormesis is found in different groups of organisms and at almost all levels of the organization of living systems from the cell to ecosystem level. At the same time, a comprehensive analysis of the significance of hormesis for ecology has not been carried out. This review analyzes the modern concept of hormesis, as well as its significance for various fields of ecology.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):553-564
pages 553-564 views

Brevibacillus laterosporus as a Biological Control Agent

Smirnova T.A., Zubasheva M.V., Shevlyagina N.V., Smirnov Y.A., Zhukhovitsky V.G.


The article analyzes and summarizes the literary and own results of studies of the properties of Brevibacillus laterosporus (Bl) as an agent of biocontrol of insects, microorganisms, invertebrates. The review provides data on the morphology and characteristics of the biological properties of Bl. New crystal-bearing strains were reported. The structural features of spores and Bl crystals identified by electron microscopy are discussed. Data on crystal formation in different bacilli are analyzed. Bl crystals have mosquitocidal activity. Data on the antimicrobial properties of Bl, including the activity of Bl against drug-resistant bacteria, are presented. The antimicrobial, fungicidal and cyanolytic activities of Bl strains make it possible to use them as producers of insecticides, antibiotics, bacteriocins and as environmentally friendly bacterial agents of biocontrol.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):565-579
pages 565-579 views

Monocyte Subpopulations Analysis in Patients under Cardiac Surgery in Conditions of Modified Extracorporeal Circulation Using Hemodiafiltration

Zemskov V.M., Kornelyuk R.A., Sharanda A.V., Plotnikov G.P., Popov V.A., Zemskov A.M., Demidova V.S., Kulikova A.N., Shishkina N.S., Balbutsky A.V., Solovieva M.S., Kozlova M.N., Vasiliev O.S.


In patients undergoing cardiosurgical operations under conditions of extracorporeal circulation, continued high-volume controlled hemodiafiltration was used, the content of subpopulations of monocytes M1, M2, M3, CD4+ monocytes and total monocytes was studied in the circulation before surgery and on days 3 and 10 after it. Previously unknown data have been discovered that can be used in the diagnosis and prognosis of cardiac surgery.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):580-586
pages 580-586 views

Wolf (Canis lupus L.) as a Model in Studies of the Structural and Functional Hierarchy of the Species Life Strategy

Kochetkov V.V.


Structural and functional vital activity of each animal species organically fits into the life of the biosphere. To understand their place and role, a new approach to study methods is needed. Based on many years of research (1975–2022) on the ecology and behavior of the wolf, an attempt was made to understand the features of the structural and functional hierarchy of the life strategy of this species. Shown with argumentation: the strategy of the Individual is to adapt to living in the environment; the couple’s strategy is to form a habitat and fit into the general structure of the population; the Family’s strategy is to raise and educate wolf cubs; Population strategy — to preserve genetic diversity, fixed adaptations and sustainability in the environment; the strategy of the Species is to preserve the habitat; strategy in the Community (biocenosis) — participation in the conservation and formation of certain species biodiversity; strategy in the Ecosystem (biogeocoenosis) — participation in structural, functional and energy processes.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):587-594
pages 587-594 views

Wolf (Canis lupus L.): Territory or Habitat

Kochetkov V.V.


The organization of the living space of animal populations is diverse, but in the generalized variant it is characterized by two concepts – “territory” and “habitat area”. The first provides for the protection of the “territory” by single individuals, married couples, families, flocks using acoustic signals and olfactory labels to mark boundaries. The second does not provide for such strict habitat protection. It is generally recognized that wolf families are characterized by lifestyle according to the “territory” type. But long-term studies of the ecology and behavior of wolf families (1975–2022) in the Central Forest Biosphere Reserve do not confirm this opinion: reasoned doubts about the “territoriality” of wolves are presented. The nature of the change in the size of the “territories”, the features of the placement of labels, the absence of conflict situations suggest the organization of living space according to the type of “habitat”.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):595-602
pages 595-602 views

Genus Betula L.: Species-Specific Population-Genetic Features and Taxonomy Problems

Vetchinnikova L.V., Titov A.F.


The article summarizes and systematizes the results of studies by Russian and foreign authors related to the population-genetic features of the main members (silver birch Betula pendula Roth, downy birch Betula pubescens Ehrh, curly (or Karelian) birch Betula pendula Roth var. carelica (Mercklin) Hämet-Ahti) of the birch genus (Betula L.) growing in the forest zone of Europe. Information is provided about forming of birch populations in the region and about its migration pathways when recolonizing the territory after the Ice Age. We demonstrate that due to certain geographic and climatic affiliations there appeared zones of hybridization between different birch species, which had an effect on the subsequent evolution of this genus. Attention is given to the role of hybridization in shaping the genetic structure of the birch population in the north-western part of continental Europe, where introgression has generated unusual genotypes and haplotypes, among which curly birch has probably become differentiated. We argue that the introgressive hybridization of species observed now and then in the birch genus may be of the main reasons for the problems with definite taxonomic identification of silver birch and downy birch. It is also remarked that curly birch, although meeting the conventional biological criteria of a species, is still regarded a variety of silver birch. Having analyzed the population-genetic features of members of the genus Betula L., the authors conclude that the species status of silver birch and downy birch should be retained in spite of the identification difficulties and that instating curly birch as a separate biological species is advisable. We emphasize the importance and relevance of studying the population-genetic features of both common and rare members of the Betula genus to enable the development of efficient methods and practices of their selective breeding and reproduction of the most valuable genotypes as a solid scientific foundation for sustainable forest management.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):603-618
pages 603-618 views

Information on the Taxonomical Diversity of the Melittophilian Flora of the Toratau Geopark (Republic of Bashkortostan)

Samsonova I.D., Sattarov V.N., Plahova A.A., Danilenko V.N., Boguslavsky D.V., Ilyasov R.A.


In the modern world, human activity has a significant impact on vegetation and landscapes, which creates problems in preserving the natural functions of ecosystems that provide human living conditions. One of the ways to solve this problem is to study key species that determine the composition and structure of ecosystems, as well as rare species, whose diversity is important for maintaining biodiversity, ecological balance and ensuring vital conditions for humans. The results of an assessment of the species composition of the melittophilous flora of the Toratau Geopark, located on the territory of the Ishimbay, Gafuriysky, Meleuzovsky and Sterlitamak districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan, are presented. During the research, the species composition was determined, including 127 species of nectar-bearing plants from 29 families, of which 23 species from the Asteracea family, 20 species from the Fabaceae family and 14 species from the Rosaceae family are predominant.

Uspehi sovremennoj biologii. 2023;143(6):619-624
pages 619-624 views

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