Analysis of the Distribution of Robertsonian Fusions in Polymorphic Populations of the Common Shrew, Sorex araneus L.

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We calculated the found and expected frequencies of metacentrics in polymorphic populations of the Dnieper basin common rodent, resulting from hybridization of local populations with acrocentric karyotype and four chromosomal races (Neroosa, Kiev, Białowieża, and Western Dvina) with 3–5 diagnostic metacentrics in each. We have previously shown an increased frequency of acrocentric karyotype compared to that expected according to Hardy-Weinberg. The low frequency (less than 0.5) of most metacentrics of the four chromosomal races and the disappearance of some of them from the populations can be explained by the increased fitness of the acrocentric karyotype and the absence of meiotic drive. On the contrary, the preservation of high frequency (more than 0.5) of such metacentrics as gm, hk (races of Western Dvina), hi (races of Kiev), hn, ik (races of Białowieża), and, especially, the fixation of metacentric hi (races of Neroosa) in polymorphic populations can be explained by meiotic drive. The fixation of Rb compounds in the range of the common rodent may be a consequence not only of gene drift, but also of meiotic drive. Most likely, meiotic drive is able to maintain the frequency of Rb compounds with the largest acrocentrics g, h, and i, which contributed to the widespread distribution of such compounds throughout the range of the common rodent.

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About the authors

V. N. Orlov

Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

I. A. Kryshchuk

Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresources, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Author for correspondence.
Belarus, Minsk

E. V. Cherepanova

Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

Y. M. Borisov

Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Points of capture of the common borer Sorex araneus with metacentrics of chromosomal races: Bi – Białowieża (circles), Wd – Western Dvina (triangles), Ki – Kiev (squares), Ne – Nerussa (rhombuses). The white square in the chromosomal race icon indicates the absence of one or more diagnostic metacentrics of the race in the karyotype of the population. The asterisk * marks samples with an acrocentric karyotype. The dotted line marks the borders of the states. The numbers of the collection points correspond to Table 1.

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3. Fig. 2. G-colored karyotypes of the common borer from polymorphic populations in the basin of the Dnieper River, Belarus. (a) – karyotype with two diagnostic metacentrics hi, ko of the Kiev race, (b) – karyotype with two diagnostic metacentrics gm, hk of the Western Dvina race.

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4. Fig. 3. The frequency of Non-Russian race metacentrics in the samples (according to the data given in Table 1, here and in Fig. 4-6).

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5. Fig. 4. The frequency of metacentrics of the Kiev race in the samples.

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6. Fig. 5. The frequency of Białowieża race metacentrics in the samples.

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7. Fig. 6. The frequency of metacentrics of the Western Dvina race in the samples.

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