Dynamic Changes in the Immune Status and Biochemical Markers of the Blood in Patients after Cardiac Surgery in Conditions of Artificial Circulation

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On a limited contingent of patients who died and survived after cardiac surgery under conditions of artificial circulation, a general nonspecific adaptive reaction is considered – stress, which develops during the sequential implementation of the “anxiety stage”, “resistance” and “resolution”. The immune markers of the stress response, its ambiguous changes in deceased patients and those discharged from the clinic with improved health are considered. Interesting innovations in changes in patients have been discovered that can be used in assessing the condition of patients, predicting the outcome of cardiac surgery, and even substantiating the use of immunomodulatory therapy in alternative clinical and immunological changes in the state of health in patients.

About the authors

M. S. Solovyova

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

G. P. Plotnikov

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

V. A. Popov

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

A. M. Zemskov

Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Voronezh

V. S. Demidova

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

A. N. Kulikova

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

A. V. Balbutskiy

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

N. S. Shishkina

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

M. N. Kozlova

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

V. M. Zemskov

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Author for correspondence.
Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow

A. V. Sharanda

Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center for Surgery

Email: arturrego@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 М.С. Соловьева, В.М. Земсков, М.Н. Козлова, Н.С. Шишкина, А.В. Балбуцкий, А.Н. Куликова, В.С. Демидова, А.М. Земсков, В.А. Попов, Г.П. Плотников, А.В. Шаранда

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