Effect of Perinatal Hypoxia (Asphixia) on the Distribution of the α1 GABAA-Receptor Subunit in the Neocortex of Newborn Rats




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The aim of this work was to study the distribution of the α1 GABAA-receptor subunit in the neocortical layers of rats in the neonatal period after exposure to hypoxia. The effect of hypoxia on the brain of newborn rats was carried out on the 2nd neonatal day for 1 h at an oxygen content in the respiratory mixture of 7.8%. An immunohistochemical reaction was used to detect the α1 GABAA-receptor subunit. The quantitative protein content was estimated from the density of immunostaining of the reaction product in the cytoplasm and processes of neurons. The somatosensory area of the neocortex was studied on the 5th and 10th neonatal days (P5, P10). It has been established that in the neocortex there is a significant population of young neurons containing the α1 subunit, which is part of the GABAA-receptor in the early stages of the neonatal period. By the end of the neonatal period in control animals, the staining density of the product of reaction to the detection of GABAAα1 in the layers of the neocortex increases significantly. Exposure to perinatal hypoxia causes a reduction in the number of neurons containing the α1 GABAA-receptor subunit and a significant decrease in the density of immune staining in all layers of the neocortex.


L. Khozhai

Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: astarta0505@mail.ru
Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg


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