Neurogenesis in Brain Neurogenic Niches in Experimental Alzheimer’s Disease at the Presymptomatic Stage of Neurodegeneration



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Deciphering the mechanisms of development of neurodegeneration at the presymptomatic stage is an urgent task. It’s solving allows optimizing the methods of early diagnostics and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Goal of the study: to study the features of neurogenesis in brain neurogenic niches in experimental Alzheimer’s disease at the presymptomatic stage of neurodegeneration. Modeling of AD in vivo was carried out in experimental animals (male mice, C57BL/6, 8 months old) as follows: the control group, n = 30, animals were injected with 2 µl of a 0.9% NaCl solution in the CA1 field of the hippocampus; the experimental group, n = 30, animals were injected with a 1M solution of oligomerized beta-amyloid 25–35 (Aβ25–35) (2 μl bilaterally). Cognitive impairments have been assessed with the passive avoidance task (PAT). For immunohistochemical studies, we identified the subgranular zone of the hippocampus (SGZ) and the subventricular zone (SVZ) in frozen sections of the brain tissue. We have analyzed the expression of markers – Nestin, Pax6, NeuroD1, VEGFR2, as well as apoptosis (TUNEL protocol) in neurogenic niches. In the period preceding the manifestation of cognitive dysfunction (from 9 to 17 days after intrahippocampal administration of Aβ25–35), we registered multidirectional changes in the expression of markers of neurogenesis, neoangiogenesis and the severity of apoptosis in the SGZ of the hippocampus and in the SVZ. At 9th day since the beginning of development of Alzheimer’s type neurodegeneration, we found elevated expression of Pax6 and VEGFR2 in the SGZ and higher number of Nestin+ cells in the SVZ. Subsequent application of the PAT protocol with the presentation of an aversive stimulus (day 10) or the corresponding context (days 11 and 17) resulted in dynamic changes in the expression of cell markers at different stages of neurogenesis. In sum, аt the presymptomatic stage of the Alzheimer’s type neurodegeneration, SGZ and SVZ show signs of aberrant neurogenesis associated with a disruption in the pool of stem and progenitor cells and suppression of the production of neuroblasts/immature neurons in the period preceding the evident cognitive dysfunction.

Sobre autores

A. Averchuk

Research Center of Neurology

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 125367, Moscow

M. Ryazanova

Research Center of Neurology

Russia, 125367, Moscow

N. Rozanova

Research Center of Neurology

Russia, 125367, Moscow

N. Kolotyeva

Research Center of Neurology

Russia, 125367, Moscow

A. Stavrovskaya

Research Center of Neurology

Russia, 125367, Moscow

S. Novikova

Research Center of Neurology

Russia, 125367, Moscow

A. Salmina

Research Center of Neurology

Russia, 125367, Moscow


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Declaração de direitos autorais © А.С. Аверчук, М.В. Рязанова, Н.А. Розанова, Н.А. Колотьева, А.В. Ставровская, С.В. Новикова, А.Б. Салмина, 2023

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