Study of neurodegenerative changes in the CA1 area of the dorsal hippocampus in adult rats after prenatal hyperhomocysteinemia

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The work is devoted to the study of neurodegenerative changes in the ultrastructural organization in CA1 of the hippocampus in adult rats subjected to prenatal hyperhomocysteinemia (pHHC). Electron microscopy revealed signs of pathological changes in the CA1 neural networks of the dorsal hippocampus in adult pHHC rats, unlike in control ones: cell degeneration, destruction of the myelin sheath of axons, and destruction of axial cylinders of basal and apical dendrites directed from the pyramidal neurons to the Schaffer collaterals and the temporo-ammonic tractus. In control animals, a dense network of varicose extensions in the distal branches of the dendrites in the stratum oriens and stratum radiatum layers was detected using the Golgi method, providing an increased area for synaptic contacts. In pHHC rats, significant destructive changes are found in these dendritic varicosities: destruction of mitochondrial cristae and appearance of huge cisterns. In adult rats, pHHC completely negated the preference for the smell of valerian, which is a physiologically significant stimulus in the norm, indicating the negative effect of pHHC on the work of the olfactory analyzer, whose activity is closely connected with the hippocampus. These findings indicate the deleterious effect of homocysteine on the formation of the dorsal hippocampus as a morphological substrate for the integration of the incoming impulses.

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About the authors

N. L. Tumanova

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

D. S. Vasiliev

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

N. M. Dubrovskaya

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Neurodegenerative changes in the cells of the pyramidal layer of the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus in adult rats that have undergone PHGC (b, d-h) in comparison with controls (a, c); a, b - microphotographs of the CA1 field of the hippocampus in control (a) and PHGC-treated (b) rats. Nissl staining, scale bar: 30 μm. Arrows show pyramidal neurons in the state of chromatolysis; N - neurons, D - dendrites. c-h - electronograms of the CA1 region of rat hippocampus in control (c) and with pGHC (d-h); chromatolysis (Chr, d), neurofilament-type cellular degeneration (e, f), neurofilament outgrowth in the neuron outgrowth (f), activation of astrocytic glia (g) and autophagosome in the neuron cytoplasm (h) are shown. Ml - myelinated fibers, M - mitochondria, Nf - neurofilaments, Ag - astrocytic glia outgrowths, Af - autophagosomes

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3. Fig. 2. Destructive changes in basal dendrites of the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus. Electronograms of rats control (a-c) and with pGHC (d-j) at the age of P90. C - cisternae, CHR - chromatolysis, D - dendrites, M - mitochondria, N - neurons, S - synaptic terminals with contacts, Sp - dendritic spines, Vr - varicosities

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4. Fig. 3. Destructive changes in apical dendrites of the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus. Electronograms of pGHC rats at the age of P90 (a-f). Ml - myelinated fibers, D - dendrites, M - mitochondria, Vr - varicosities, C - cisternae, S - synaptic terminals with contacts, Sp - dendritic spines

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5. Fig. 4. Structural organization of basal and apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons of the CA1 region of the adult dorsal hippocampus of control rats: a - schematic representation of cytoarchitectonics of the CA1 region of the rat dorsal hippocampus; b-d - microphotographs of the CA1 region of the adult dorsal hippocampus (P90) of control rats. Golgi method, scale bar 10 μm, in the center there is a layer of pyramidal neurons (Str. pyramidale); c - varicose extensions on basal and apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons; d - powerful bundles of basal and apical dendrites with dendritic spicules and varicose extensions; e, f - quantitative analysis of varicose extensions (e) and dendritic spicules (f) on the section of basal (Str. oriens) and apical (Str. radiatum) dendrites of pyramidal neurons in control rats; mean values and their errors are shown. Denotations: Str. - stratum, N - neurons, AD - apical dendrites, D - dendrites, BD - basal dendrites, Vr - varicose extensions of dendrites, Sp - dendritic spines

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6. Fig. 5. Effect of pGHC on myelination of nerve fibers in the field of rat dorsal hippocampus: electronograms of rats control (a) and with pGHC (b) at the age of P90. Ml - myelinated fibers, M - mitochondria; c-p - comparison of oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (GO, FITC luminescence) distribution in liver tissue (c) and CA1 region of hippocampus (d, e, g, h, h, k, l, n, o) of control rats (d, e, g, h) and pGHC rats (k, l, n, o) at the age of P20 (d, e, k, l) and P90 (g, h, n, o). Immunohistochemical staining, scale bar: 20 μm; c, negative control (GO+-liver - complete immunochemical reaction on liver tissue preparation of control rat at P20) with primary and secondary antibodies, scale bar: 40 μm; d, g, w, k, n - negative control (GO¯ - immunochemical reaction on hippocampal tissue preparation in the absence of primary antibodies); e, i, m, p - myelination index, units. units (difference in the luminescence brightness between the studied tissue section and the corresponding negative control GO¯) - results of densitometry of immunochemical staining of GO in the stratum stratum oriens (Str. ori.: e, i) and stratum raditum (Str. rad.: m, p) in rats at P20 (e, m) and P90 (i, p). Data are presented as mean and its error. Asterisks indicate differences between control group and with pGHC at P20 at P = 0.005 (**) and P = 0.0008 (***) (nonparametric Mann-Whitney test)

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7. Fig. 6. Schematic of distribution of odorant odor preference indices by adult rats - control (a) and with pGHC (b). The indices are represented by multicolored sectors and are expressed by the number of approaches (mean value and its error) to the receptacle with the corresponding odorant of natural vegetable oil as a percentage of the total number of approaches to all receptacles. The sector corresponding to physiologically significant odor of valerian is marked with a black border. Dashed lines between sectors indicate statistically significant differences in preference indices between odorants in pGHC animals. The size of each sample is n = 15. One-factor ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni analysis. * - preference for valerian odor relative to the other five odors is reliable at P < 0.0001; # - preference for wormwood odor relative to clove, and wormwood odor relative to valerian are reliable at P < 0.05

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