
Using Tunnel Air Heat in the Heat and Cold Supply Systems of Subway Facilities
Vasilyev G., Popov M., Gornov V., Shapkin P., Kolesova M.
Geothermal Power Supply Systems around the World and in Russia: State of the Art and Future Prospects
Butuzov V., Amerkhanov R., Grigorash O.
Comprehensive Utilization of Low-Potential Geothermal Waters of Southern Russia for Heat and Water Supply and Solution of Environmental Problems
Alkhasov A., Alkhasova D.
Investigation of failures in operation of heat networks of large heat supply systems
Rafalskaya T.
The Development of a Method for Calculating the Nodal Prices of the Thermal Energy by Modeling the Thermal and Hydraulic Regimes of the Heat Supply Systems for Solving Control and Optimization Problems
Shalaginova Z.
Analysis of trends in the development of cities’ heat supply systems
Stennikov V., Mednikova E.
Mathematical Modeling of the Heat Energy Market on a Single Heat Supplier Basis
Penkovskii A., Stennikov V.
Developing a Procedure for Segmenting Meshed Heat Networks of Heat Supply Systems without Outflows
Tokarev V.
Ground Source Heat Supply in Moscow Oblast: Temperature Potential and Sustainable Depth of Heat Wells
Vasil’ev G., Gornov V., Dmitriev A., Kolesova M., Yurchenko V.
Estimation of efficiency of the heat supply system based on a boiler house and a wind turbine in the northern environment
Bezhan A., Minin V.
Analysis of Additional Factors in Determining the Failure Rate of Heat Network Pipelines
Akhmetova I., Akhmetov T.
Applied Problems and Methodological Approaches to Planning and Implementation of Operating Conditions at District Heating Systems
Shalaginova Z., Tokarev V.
Energy-effective method for low-temperature deaeration of make-up water on the heating supply system of heat power plants
Sharapov V., Pazushkina O., Kudryavtseva E.
Solar Heat Supply: World Statistics and Peculiarities of the Russian Experience
Butuzov V.
Application of SAW method for multiple-criteria comparative analysis of the reliability of heat supply organizations
Akhmetova I., Chichirova N.
Use of a turboexpander in steam power units for heat energy recovery in heat supply systems
Sadykov R., Daminov A., Solomin I., Futin V.
1 - 16 из 16 результатов
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