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Vol 65, No 2 (2018)

Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Steam-Gas Plants and Accessory Equipment

Estimation of Efficiency of the Cooling Channel of the Nozzle Blade of Gas-Turbine Engines

Vikulin A.V., Yaroslavtsev N.L., Zemlyanaya V.A.


The main direction of improvement of gas-turbine plants (GTP) and gas-turbine engines (GTE) is increasing the gas temperature at the turbine inlet. For the solution of this problem, promising systems of intensification of heat exchange in cooled turbine blades are developed. With this purpose, studies of the efficiency of the cooling channel of the nozzle blade in the basic modification and of the channel after constructive measures for improvement of the cooling system by the method of calorimetry in a liquid-metal thermostat were conducted. The combined system of heat-exchange intensification with the complicated scheme of branched channels is developed; it consists of a vortex matrix and three rows of inclined intermittent trip strips. The maximum value of hydraulic resistance ξ is observed at the first row of the trip strips, which is connected with the effect of dynamic impact of airflow on the channel walls, its turbulence, and rotation by 117° at the inlet to the channels formed by the trip strips. These factors explain the high value of hydraulic resistance equal to 3.7–3.4 for the first row of the trip strips. The obtained effect was also confirmed by the results of thermal tests, i.e., the unevenness of heat transfer on the back and on the trough of the blade is observed at the first row of the trip strips, which amounts 8–12%. This unevenness has a fading character; at the second row of the trip strips, it amounts to 3–7%, and it is almost absent at the third row. At the area of vortex matrix, the intensity of heat exchange on the blade back is higher as compared to the trough, which is explained by the different height of the matrix ribs on its opposite sides. The design changes in the nozzle blade of basic modification made it possible to increase the intensity of heat exchange by 20–50% in the area of the vortex matrix and by 15–30% on the section of inclined intermittent trip strips. As a result of research, new criteria dependences for the complicated systems of heat exchange intensification were obtained. The design of nozzle blades can be used when developing the promising high-temperature gas turbines.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):88-92
pages 88-92 views

Rotor Rolling over a Water-Lubricated Bearing

Shatokhin V.F.


The article presents the results of studying the effect of forces associated with secondary damping coefficients (gyroscopic forces) on the development of asynchronous rolling of the rotor over a water-lubricated bearing. The damping forces act against the background of other exciting forces in the rotor–supports system, in particular, the exciting forces of contact interaction between the rotor and bearing. The article considers a rotor resting on supports rubbing against the bearing and the occurrence of self-excited vibration in the form of asynchronous roll-over. The rotor supports are made in the form of plain-type water-lubricated bearings. The plain-type bearing’s lubrication stiffness and damping forces are determined using the wellknown algorithms taking into account the physical properties of water serving as lubrication of the bearing. The bearing sliding pair is composed of refractory materials. The lubrication layer in such bearings is thinner than that used in oil-lubricated bearings with white metal lining, and there is no white metal layer in waterlubricated bearings. In case of possible deviations from normal operation of the installation, the rotating rotor comes into direct contact with the liner’s rigid body. Unsteady vibrations are modeled using a specially developed software package for calculating the vibration of rotors that rub against the turbine (pump) stator elements. The stiffness of the bearing liner with the stator support structure is specified by a dependence in the force–deformation coordinate axes. In modeling the effect of damping forces, the time moment corresponding to the onset of asynchronous rolling-over with growing vibration amplitudes is used as the assessment criterion. With a longer period of time taken for the rolling-over to develop, it becomes possible to take the necessary measures in response to actuation of the equipment set safety system, which require certain time for implementing them. It is shown that the gyroscopic damping components facilitate the developing rolling of the rotor over the bearing. If measures taken to decrease these components in the damping devices and bearings are met with success, the onset of asynchronous rolling-over with the growing amplitudes occurs after a longer period of time.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):93-97
pages 93-97 views

Nuclear Power Plants

Characteristics of Hydrogen Monitoring Systems for Severe Accident Management at a Nuclear Power Plant

Petrosyan V.G., Yeghoyan E.A., Grigoryan A.D., Petrosyan A.P., Movsisyan M.R.


One of the main objectives of severe accident management at a nuclear power plant is to protect the integrity of the containment, for which the most serious threat is possible ignition of the generated hydrogen. There should be a monitoring system providing information support of NPP personnel, ensuring data on the current state of a containment gaseous environment and trends in its composition changes. Monitoring systems’ requisite characteristics definition issues are considered by the example of a particular power unit. Major characteristics important for proper information support are discussed. Some features of progression of severe accident scenarios at considered power unit are described and a possible influence of the hydrogen concentration monitoring system performance on the information support reliability in a severe accident is analyzed. The analysis results show that the following technical characteristics of the combustible gas monitoring systems are important for the proper information support of NPP personnel in the event of a severe accident at a nuclear power plant: measured parameters, measuring ranges and errors, update rate, minimum detectable concentration of combustible gas, monitoring reference points, environmental qualification parameters of the system components. For NPP power units with WWER-440/270 (230) type reactors, which have a relatively small containment volume, the update period for measurement results is a critical characteristic of the containment combustible gas monitoring system, and the choice of monitoring reference points should be focused not so much on the definition of places of possible hydrogen pockets but rather on the definition of places of a possible combustible mixture formation. It may be necessary for the above-mentioned power units to include in the emergency operating procedures measures aimed at a timely heat removal reduction from the containment environment if there are signs of a severe accident phase approaching to prevent a combustible mixture formation in the containment.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):79-87
pages 79-87 views

Energy Conservation, New and Renewable Energy Sources

Evaluating the Effect from Constructing Binary Geothermal Power Units Based on Spent Petroleum and Gas Boreholes in the South Regions of Russia

Alkhasov A.B., Alkhasova D.A.


The article substantiates the possibility of efficiently harnessing the geothermal resources available in the North Caucasian region through constructing binary geothermal power plants (GeoTPPs) using idle petroleum and gas wells. The power capacities of GeoTPPs are evaluated, and the basic characteristics of these power plants in case of constructing them in the promising areas are determined. The overall useful GeoTPP capacity equal to approximately 330 MW can be obtained from using the entire fleet of idle wells available in these areas. Diagrams confirming the possibility of reaching the optimal flowrate of geothermal heat carrier circulating in the geothermal circulation system loop are presented. This flowrate corresponds to a binary GeoTPP’s maximal useful power output. The article shows, taking the Ternair geothermal field as an example, that it is inefficient to use medium-enthalpy thermal waters for generating energy at a binary GeoTPP involving reinjection of a spent heat carrier. It is shown that good prospects can be expected from applying a hybrid geothermal and combined-cycle technology, by means of which it is possible to use lowenthalpy (80–100°С) thermal waters for generating electricity in a highly efficient manner. In accordance with such technology, geothermal heat is used in the binary GeoTPP cycle for heating low-boiling working fluid to its evaporation temperature. The working fluid is evaporated and superheated by using the heat of exhaust gases from a gas turbine power unit. Owing to combined use of the thermal water heat potential and the heat of exhaust gases from a gas turbine power plant in a hybrid process system, it becomes possible to obtain high power performance indicators of hybrid geothermal and combined-cycle power plants. This conclusion is confirmed by the results from numerical evaluations carried out as applied to the Ternair geothermal field. With the fully harnessed resource potential of the Ternair field, the total capacity of hybrid geothermal and combined-cycle power plants may reach 60 MW, a level that would make it possible to relieve a significant part of energy, environmental, economic, and social problems faced by the city of Makhachkala.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):98-105
pages 98-105 views

Metals and Strength Analysis

Investigation into the Cyclic Strength of the Bodies of Steam Shutoff Valves from 10Kh9MFB-Sh Steel

Skorobogatykh V.N., Kunavin S.A., Prudnikov D.A., Shchenkova I.A., Bazhenov A.M., Zadoinyi V.A., Starkovskii G.L.


Steam shutoff valves are operated under complex loading conditions at thermal and nuclear power stations. In addition to exposure to high temperature and stresses resulting in fatigue, these valves are subjected to cyclic loads in heating-up–cooling down, opening–closing, etc. cycles. The number of these cycles to be specified in designing the valves should not exceed the maximum allowable value. Hence, the problem of cyclic failure rate of steam shutoff valve bodies is critical. This paper continues the previous publications about properties of the construction material for steam shutoff valve bodies (grade 10Kh9MFB-Sh steel) produced by electroslag melting and gives the results of investigation into the cyclic strength of this material. Fatigue curves for the steal used for manufacturing steam shutoff valve bodies are presented. The experimental data are compared with the calculated fatigue curves plotted using the procedures outlined in PNAE G-002-986 and RD 10-249-98. It is confirmed that these procedures may be used in designing valve bodies from 10Kh9MFB-Sh steel. The effect of the cyclic damage after preliminary cyclic loading of the specimens according to the prescribed load conditions on the high-temperature strength of the steel is examined. The influence of cyclic failure rate on the long-term strength was investigated using cylindrical specimens with a smooth working section in the as-made conditions and after two regimes of preliminary cyclic loading (training) at a working temperature of 570°C and the number of load cycles exceeding the design value, which was 2 × 103 cycles. The experiments corroborated that the material (10Kh9MFB-Sh steel) of the body manufactured by the method of electroslag melting had high resistance to cyclic failure rate. No effect of cyclic damages in the metal of the investigated specimens on the high-temperature strength has been found.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):106-110
pages 106-110 views

Water Treatment and Water Chemistry

Improving the Efficiency of Natural Raw Water Pretreatment at Thermal Power Stations

Dremicheva E.S.


In the treatment of make-up water for thermal power stations (TPS) and heat networks, raw water from surface water bodies is used. It contains organic and mineral pollutants in the form of particulates or colloids. Coagulation and flocculation are reagent methods for removing these pollutants from water. Chemicals are used to assist in the formation of large structured flakes that are removed easily from water. The Kuibyshev water reservoir was selected as the object of investigation. Basic physical and chemical properties of the raw water are presented. The application of various coagulating agents, their mixtures in different proportions, and flocculating agents for clarifying the Volga water was examined. The required dose of a coagulant or flocculant was determined based on test coagulation of the treated water. Aluminum sulfate and iron (III) chloride were used a coagulant, and Praestol 2500 (nonionic) as a flocculant. A method of enhancement of coagulation and flocculation by injecting air into the treated water is examined. The results of experimental investigation of the effect of water treatment method on water quality indices, such as alkalinity, pH, iron content, suspended material content, and permanganate value, are presented. It is demonstrated that joint use of ironand aluminum containing coagulation agents brings the coagulation conditions closer to the optimum ones. Aeration does not affect the coagulation process. The methods for supplying air to a clarifier are proposed for practical implementation.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):111-114
pages 111-114 views

Development of the Technologies for Stabilization Treatment of the Water of the Recycling Cooling Systems at Thermal Power Plants

Vlasov S.M., Chichirova N.D., Chichirov A.A., Vlasova A.Y., Filimonova A.A., Prosvirnina D.V.


A turbine-condensate cooling system is one of the less stable and most hard-to-control systems of maintaining optimal water chemistry. A laboratory recycling cooling water test facility, UVO-0.3, was developed for physical simulation of innovative zero-discharge water chemistry conditions and improvement of technological flowcharts of stabilization treatment of the initial and circulating water of the recycling cooling systems at thermal power plants. Experiments were conducted in the UVO-0.3 facility to investigate the processes that occur in the recycling water supply system and master new technologies of stabilization of the initial and circulating water. It is shown that, when using untreated initial water, scaling cannot be prevented even under low concentration levels. The main reason for the activation of scale depositing is the desorption of carbon dioxide that results in alkalization of the circulating water and, as a consequence, a displacement of the chemical reaction equilibrium towards the formation of slightly soluble hardness ions. Some techniques, viz., liming and alkalization of the initial water and the by-pass treatment of the circulating water, are considered. New engineering solutions have been developed for reducing the amount of scale-forming substances in the initial and circulating water. The best results were obtained by pretreating the initial water with alkalizing agents and simultaneously bypassing and treating part of the circulating water. The obtained experimental data underlie the process flowcharts of stabilization treatment of the initial and circulating TPP water that ensure scale-free and noncorrosive operation and meet the corresponding environmental requirements. Under the bypassing, the specific rates of the agents and the residual hardness are reduced compared with the conventional pretreatment.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Reference Materials

Water Chemistry and Chemistry Monitoring at Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants: Problems and Tasks (Based on Proceedings of Conferences)

Larin B.M.


In late May–early June 2017, two international science and technology conferences on problems of water chemistry and chemistry monitoring at thermal and nuclear power plants were held. The participants of both the first conference held at OAO VTI and the second conference that took place at NITI formulated the problems of the development of the regulatory base and implementation of promising water treatment technologies and outlined the ways of improving the water chemistry and chemistry monitoring at TPPs and NPPs for the near future. It was pointed out that the new amine-containing VTIAMIN agent developed by OAO VTI had been successfully tested on the power-generating units equipped with steam–gas plants to establish the minimum excess of the film-forming amine in the power-generating unit circuit that ensures the protection of the metal as 5–10 μg/dm3. A flow-injection technique for the analysis of trace concentrations of chlorides was proposed; the technique applied to the condensate of the 1000-MW steam turbine of the NPP power-generating unit yields the results comparable with the results obtained by the ion chromatography and the potentiometric method using the solver electrode. The participants of the conferences were demonstrated new Russian instruments to analyze the water media at the TPPs and NPPs, including the total organic carbon analyzer and the analyzer of mineral impurities in the condensate and feed water, that won a gold medal at the 45th International Exhibition of Inventions held in Geneva this April.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(2):120-123
pages 120-123 views

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