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Vol 66, No 6 (2019)

Heat and Mass Transfer and Properties of Working Fluids and Materials

A Technique for Scanning Probe Measurement of Temperature Fields in a Liquid Flow

Belyaev I.A., Biryukov D.A., Pyatnitskaya N.Y., Razuvanov N.G., Sviridov E.V., Sviridov V.G.


For designing different heat and power equipment with a wide range of applications, it is necessary to measure the fields of thermophysical characteristics (temperature, pressure, velocities, etc.) in as much detail as possible. At the same time, the deployment of complex diagnostic methods is often impossible. Therefore, it is most practical to use movable probes that move in the flow and make measurements at separate points. The use of such scanning measurement methods is a complex task that requires the solution of many mechanical and thermophysical problems. The techniques of scanning probe measurements for determining thermal characteristics in the flows of various media are described. A review is given concerning the development of probe-based investigation methods since the 1960s. Joint probe developments concerning the probes made by the scientific group of the Engineering Thermophysics Department of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute and the Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, for two-dimensional and three-dimensional temperature and velocity measurements in water and mercury flows are presented in detail. The experience in the development and use of scanning probes is summarized in three main designs, such as a hinged probe, a probe with eccentricity, and a longitudinal probe. Descriptions, methods of application, and the features of their operation are considered for these designs. The results obtained by using the probes of various designs in the course of experiments with water and mercury are considered. The choice of a required technique is substantiated depending on the preset conditions of the problem, such as the geometric characteristics of the investigated area, the presence of a magnetic field, the influence of thermal and gravity factors.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):377-387
pages 377-387 views

Vapor–Gas Mixture Condensation in Tubes

Gorpinyak M.S., Solodov A.P.


A one-dimensional differential model describing condensation of a vapor–gas mixture in tubes and its implementation on a computer in the Visual Basic integrated development environment is presented. The model is intended for studying the operation conditions and parameters of the relevant types of condensing devices and, in the future, for carrying out technical computations and providing information support to design developments and tests. The compute kernel is based on mathematical models that take into account the main significant effects during condensation, such as gravitation (with different tube orientations), friction at the phase interface boundary (taking into account the cross flow of mass and specific roughness of the boundary), availability of noncondensing, admixtures, different external cooling methods, and the possibility of dangerous operation conditions to occur (freezing and flooding). The well-studied limiting models, such as a gravity or shear condensate film, are united by the interpolation method between asymptotes. The mathematical formulation of the problem consists of conservation equations (of momentum, energy, and mass of mixture components) for averaged flows of coolants supplemented with algebraic relations for local coefficients of heat transfer, mass transfer, and friction at the interface boundaries. The remoteness of working fluid thermodynamic parameters from the critical point, which is almost always observed in condensing installations, is the natural limitation of the analysis model’s application field. A special analysis for determining heat transfer and friction in gravity–shear condensate films based on an adequate differential turbulence model is carried out.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):388-396
pages 388-396 views

Investigation into Transpiration Cooling of Blades in High-Temperature Gas Turbines

Vikulin A.V., Yaroslavtsev N.L., Zemlyanaya V.A.


Among the methods for improving the performance of high-temperature gas turbines in gas-turbine engines (GTE) and gas-turbine units (GTU) is the implementation of transpiration cooling of the blades, since the maximum allowable temperature of blades with convective- or film-cooling ranges from 1800 to 1900 K. The basic advantage of this cooling method is in decreasing the required coolant flow due to extended-contact heat-transfer surface. Transpiration cooling systems employ porous metal materials. However, the effect of geometry of porous materials on air flow and heat transfer in them is still not clearly understood. The paper presents the results into investigation of models with a transpiration cooling system made of sintered stainless-steel fibers. The geometric characteristics of the investigated models depended on the material porosity. The thermal tests of the models were performed by the calorimetric method in a liquid-metal thermostat, while the hydraulic tests were carried out by the hot blow method under isothermal conditions. The experimental results can be entered into the database used by heat transfer software packages, thereby decreasing the labor intensity and time for designing a cooling system for gas turbine blades. The implementation of transpiration cooling offers the prospects for increasing the maximum allowable gas turbine temperature up to 2200 K.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):397-401
pages 397-401 views

Steam Boilers, Power-Plant Fuels, Burner Units, and Boiler Auxiliary Equipment

Experimental Studies of NOx Emissions in Sequential Fuel Combustion with a Diffusion Second Zone

Bulysova L.A., Vasilev V.D., Gutnik M.N., Berne A.L.


This is the third paper on experimental research and optimization of combustion in the fuel-air mixture in the two-zone combustor at outlet gas temperatures of 1550–1700°C with meeting the requirements for harmful substances (NOx and CO) emissions. The experimental results on combustion of gaseous fuel in the combustor with two consecutive combustion zones are presented. Each zone has its own burner: the first burner is traditional and located at the end of the flame tube, while the second burner is sequential and located downstream on side walls of the flame tube. Fuel combustion in the second zone occurs at a low oxygen content and high temperature. Zones with maximal CO values ​​are shown to be formed near the flame tube walls, while maximal NOx concentrations are observed in the central zone of the flow recirculation. The penetration capacity of the fuel jets entering the second combustion zone was evaluated, and the jet trajectories in the blowing flow of hot gases in the first zone are shown. The results of optimization of the fuel distribution between two successive combustion zones, as well as the effect of the flow rate on the NOx and CO formation at the outlet gas temperature of 1550–1700°C, are presented. The results were obtained by testing the model low-emission combustor at the test facility of the All-Russia Thermal Engineering Institute.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):402-408
pages 402-408 views

Steam-Turbine, Gas-Turbine, and Combined-Cycle Plants and Their Auxiliary Equipment

Axial Thrust Balancing in High-Temperature Cylinders of Steam Turbines during Transients in Combined-Cycle Units

Radin Y.A., Grishin I.A.


The effect of magnitude and direction of the axial thrust during steam turbine transients on the starting technology is investigated. The behavior of the axial thrust during start-up of a steam turbine with a combined high/intermediate pressure cylinder operating in a single-bypass or two-bypass thermal cycle is presented. At different stages of start-up, varying steam pressure at the turbine inlet and in its flow path can result in a change in the temperature of thrust bearing pads and the magnitude and direction of the axial thrust acting on them. During start-ups with a two-bypass thermal scheme for steam admission to the turbine and its rotor acceleration, connection of the steam turbine generator to a grid and its initial loading are performed with steam supply through intermediate pressure-control valves. In this case, the high-pressure cylinder (HPC) is under “negative pressure” or “countercurrent” conditions passing steam from the exhaust via the bypasses of the check valves in the “cold” reheat steam lines and removing this steam to the condenser via the drains of high-pressure crossover pipelines and from the high-pressure cylinder casing. Connection of the turbine HPC for normal steam supply and change-over to the once-through scheme of steam admission to the turbine are carried out after connection of the turbine generator to the grid and initial loading of the turbine by partial opening of the HP control valve and full opening of the intermediate pressure (IP) control valves. At the same time, the valves of quick-acting pressure-reducing and cooling units (QAPRCU) BROU-1 and BROU-2 are closed to maintain the specified high and intermediate pressure of steam upstream from them. These process operations change the axial thrust acting on the thrust bearing pads with a corresponding change in the pad temperature. The effect of variable axial thrust on the steam turbine maneuverability is examined. Methods are proposed for balancing the axial thrust during start-ups of steam turbines in combined-cycle units having different thermal schemes.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):409-414
pages 409-414 views

Experimental Aerodynamic Investigations of the 100-MW Two-Shaft Gas Turbine Unit Exhaust Duct

Semakina E.Y., Chernikov V.A., Khoang V.C.


The article describes the results from experimental investigations into the exhaust duct aerodynamics of a stationary two-shaft gas turbine unit (GTU) intended for operation in a combined-cycle plant equipped with a heat-recovery steam generator. The experiments were carried out at the Kirillov Turbine Construction Laboratory of Peter the Great Polytechnic University (SPbPU). The aim of investigations was to experimentally determine the 3D flow structure in the diffuser–exhaust hood flow path and its integral characteristics during operation in combination with the topping turbine stage. The pressure recovery factors and the energy loss coefficients in the diffuser and in the exhaust duct are determined. The circumferential and radial distributions of the 3D flow parameters in the diffuser inlet section are presented. Based on the experimental investigation results obtained for the exhaust duct operating jointly with the topping stage, the main energy loss sources in the duct are determined, and recommendations for improving its aerodynamics are given. A comparative analysis of the exhaust duct’s integral aerodynamic characteristics and of the flow structure parameters obtained during the tests with and without the topping stage is carried out. The results obtained from the comparative analysis of the data obtained in the experiments with the connected topping stage and with the isolated exhaust duct were used for working out recommendations on modeling the stream in the flow paths of two-shaft GTU exhaust ducts.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):415-424
pages 415-424 views

Nuclear Power Plants

Threat of Combustible Mixture Formation in Small Rooms of an NPP’s Unit Containment during a Severe Accident

Petrosyan V.G., Yeghoyan E.A., Grigoryan A.D., Martirosyan M.V.


Protection of the containment integrity is one of the key objectives pursued in managing a severe accident at an NPP. Possible hydrogen inflammation in the containment can be regarded as the most dangerous threat for the containment integrity. Inert state of a steam–air–hydrogen mixture can be secured by maintaining a high steam concentration. With a steam concentration above 55%, the mixture is in an non-flammable state whatever the concentrations of its other components. The containment reinforced concrete walls lined with metal sheets behave as heat sinks with a very high thermal inertia. Heat removal through walls may have a significant influence on the mixture composition in the containment or in its individual part (especially if the rooms have comparatively small volumes) if part of steam from the mixture undergoes long-term condensation, as a result of which its concentration in the mixture decreases. The article presents an investigation, by means of detailed modeling, of the heat transfer processes through the walls of containment rooms with a view to reveal factors that are of importance in considering hydrogen challenge. It is found that the wall surface area to the room volume ratio is a factor having an effect on the formation of dangerous hydrogen-containing mixture compositions. It is shown that the wall heat absorption capacity decreases only slightly in the course of an accident. In rooms with a small volume, there may be a real risk that the medium in them may quite quickly lose its inertness as a result of heat removal through the walls. The possibility of a detonation mixture to form is not even excluded. In the case of a severe accident, there will be a risk of dangerous hydrogen-containing mixture compositions formation in small rooms within the containment irrespectively of the strategies implemented for the containment’s main rooms unless special measures and means are taken, e.g., application of accident management strategies or installation of hydrogen recombiners.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):425-432
pages 425-432 views

Simulating the Operation of the Jet-Vortex Condenser Used in the VVER-440 Reactor Plant’s Confinement System

Kazantsev A.A., Popova T.V., Supotnitskaya O.V., Sergeev V.V., Bulynin V.D., Semashko S.E., Krylov Y.V.


A jet-vortex condenser (JVC) used as part of the confinement system (CS) serves for limiting the pressure in sealed rooms to the maximum admissible value for which the civil structures of NPPs equipped with VVER-440 reactors made according to the V-230 and V-179 projects are designed under the loss of coolant accidents' conditions. Fitting the Kola NPP’s first stage equipped with the VVER-440 reactor (made according to the V-230 project) in combination with taking certain other measures opened the possibility to extend the NPP service life. To substantiate the possibility of extending the service life of NPP power units, their safety will be assessed using an analysis model. The article presents the results from such modeling aimed at analyzing the performance of the jet-vortex condenser that is used as part of the confinement system for limiting the pressure in the sealed rooms down to the maximum admissible value for which the VVER-440 reactor-based NPP civil structures are designed with due regard to loss of coolant accidents (LOCA). The jet-vortex condenser operation model incorporated into the KUPOL-M computer code was verified against the experimental data obtained on the test facility installed at the All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation (VNIIAES). A comparative analysis has shown that the calculated and experimental data are in fairly good agreement with each other. The KUPOL-M code with the jet-vortex condenser model integrated into it was used for calculating the parameters of medium in the system of sealed rooms in modeling the large break LOCA and small break LOCA conditions for the Kola NPP’s first stage, the distinctive feature of which is that it contains a JVC in the confinement area. The calculation results have confirmed the JVC efficiency under the conditions of a wide range of loss of coolant accidents. At present, the JVC has been put into use in the Kola NPP units 1 and 2, in the Novovoronezh NPP units 3 and 4, and in the Kozloduy NPP units 3 and 4 in Bulgaria.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):433-439
pages 433-439 views

Environmental Conservation

Capture of CO2 at Thermal Power Stations as One of the Main Trends towards Reducing Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Zaichenko V.M., Shterenberg V.Y.


The power industry, primarily its branch based on fossil fuel resources, is the major source of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere of the planet. Based on direct measurements and some paleogeophysical data, it is shown that the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere is currently increasing at a rate that exceeds by an order of magnitude its increase over the last several thousand years. Some methods for solving the global problem of reducing CO2 emissions caused by combustion of fossil fuels and basic technologies used for this purpose are considered. The main CO2 emission sources are identified. Based on the analysis of international statistical data, it is shown that large-scale fossil-coal-fired power-generating plants account for the greater part of the emissions. The existing CO2 capture technologies and those under development and intended for use in industrial power generation are compared and the prospects of their practical implementation are evaluated. The increase in the cost of the electric power generated within the full cycle of capturing CO2 from flue gases of large-scale power stations and storing it using the best-established technologies ready for introduction has been assessed. The basic factors that increase the cost of the power generated using the technologies for carbon dioxide emission sequestration have been determined and potential change in the prices in the future have been considered. The presented results suggest that the problem of drastic reduction in CO2 emissions requires a comprehensive approach and cannot be solved by efforts of only a limited number of industrially developed countries. The necessity of coordinated introduction of measures aimed at carbon dioxide emission sequestration not only in the “large-scale” power generation but also in other industries is shown.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):440-449
pages 440-449 views

Water Chemistry and Water Treatment

Treatment of Makeup Water for Drum Boilers by the Two-Stage Reverse Osmosis Method

Panteleev A.A., Smirnov A.A., Smirnov V.B.


It is demonstrated that reverse osmosis (RO) technology with two stages with respect to filtrate and without any additional water treatment is adequate for makeup water treatment for natural circulation drum boilers with an operating pressure as high as 13.8 MPa. Production of filtrate with electric conductivity below 2 μS/cm, which can be used for the preparation of make-up water without ion exchange processes, can reduce capital and operating expenditures and improve the reliability of water treatment systems at thermal power stations where feasible and appropriate. Application of monotechnology, i.e., reverse osmosis, can reduce the load of engineering personnel and improve the operation stability of a water treatment unit even under conditions of seasonal variation in the analysis of raw water. The paper demonstrates that a stable decrease in the salt content by a factor of 1000 can be achieved under certain conditions with a salt content in natural raw water as high as 1 g/dm3. The effect of carbon dioxide that makes it more difficult to produce water with very low electrical conductivity is considered. Methods are described for effective removal of carbon dioxide, including decarbonization with the use of an ejector. The presented expressions enable us to quickly evaluate the salt content of the filtrate depending on the selectivity of a membrane element (ME), even determined experimentally; to solve the inverse problem, i.e., calculate the true selectivity of ME based on the measured parameters that cannot be calculated using standard software of ME manufacturers; in developing new projects, consider a decrease in the ME selectivity during operation using available experimental data on ME performance; and to predict quality and improve operation of the overall demineralization system in water treatment plants (WTP). The mathematical substantiation and the theoretical limit for application of the examined technology with respect to the salt content of the source water are presented. The results of the experiments on the use of this technology at the sites of operating thermal power stations (TPS) without decoding the latter are given.

Thermal Engineering. 2019;66(6):450-456
pages 450-456 views

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