Literature review and clinical observation of acquired idiopathic hemophilia with a new missense mutation in the factor VIII gene (His2026Arg)




The article provides review of possible mechanisms of inhibitor coagulopathies, in particular of acquired hemophilia A. This pathology is an extremely rare disease occurring in 1-2 cases in 1 million per year. In the present study we provide data for two clinical cases of hemophilia A in women. These cases had different development mechanisms, although both women have a newly discovered missense mutation His2026Arg in the VIII factor gene. The matter of main interest is the description of the disease development in the patient with an acquired idiopathic hemophilia A with a possible disease occurrence due to an asymmetric X-chromosome inactivation (lyonization). In this particular case lyonization led to the late manifestation of the hemophilia A carrier’s state and development of severe form of the inhibitor-associated acquired hemophilia A. We also discuss therapeutic approaches to these forms of the disease, considering there are no concise protocols for case management due to an extreme rarity of the pathology. Acquainting the clinical personnel working it the different areas of medicine with suchlike inhibitor coagulopathies has a major practical importance.



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доцент каф. госпитальной терапии №1 Москва, Россия


Moscow, Russia

врач-гематолог УКБ №1, отд-ния гематологии клиники госпитальной терапии им. А.А. Остроумова, ORCID iD 0000-0001-6324-2371 Москва, Россия


State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of Sverdlovsk region “Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital №1”

врач-гематолог высшей квалификационной категории ГБУЗ СО СОКб №1 Ekaterinburg, Russia


Moscow, Russia

с.н.с. Москва, Россия


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н.с. Москва, Россия


Moscow, Russia

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Moscow, Russia

д.м.н., врач-гематолог, зав. научно-консультативным отделом коагулопатий Москва, Россия


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