Outpatient evaluation of the immediate and delayed effects of the abnormally hot summer of 2010 on the course of cardiovascular disease




Aim. To retrospectively evaluate the immediate and delayed effects of the abnormally hot summer of 2010 on the course of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Subjects and methods. The study enrolled 188 patients with CVD, who had visited a polyclinic for advice in the past 2 weeks of January 2011. In addition to general clinical examination, all the patients were proposed to fill out the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale questionnaires concerning their quality of life, by applying the visual analog scale during their visit and (retrospectively) in the abnormal hot period (AHP). The questions were concerned with the location of the patient during the heat wave, his/her health status, the duration of a working day, the number of hypertensive crises (HC), calls to medical emergency teams (MET), and visits to a doctor, the pattern of therapy, etc. The authors estimated the following outcomes (endpoints): acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, admissions for CVD, MET calls, the number of disability days, HC, and unplanned visits to the doctor, which occurred during the heat wave or in the period September to December 2010. Results. There was a worse quality of life during AHP. The patients living in the green zone (of a city, town, or a rural area) better experienced the abnormal heat. Male sex and overweight were associated with better abnormal heat tolerance; high anxiety, age, and living on high floors were with its worse tolerance. Conclusion. It is necessary to conduct large-scale prospective randomized studies, the results of which will yield objective information, which will be able to give patients scientifically sound recommendations how to behave during AHP.


F Ageev

ФГУ "Российский кардиологический научно-практический комплекс" Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

Email: 414166@mail.ru

M Smirnova

Email: naliyal@yandex.ru

P Galaninskiĭ

Email: 414166@mail.ru


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