


Aim. To study left atrial (LA) deformation in patients with arterial hypertension, aortic stenosis (AS) and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) of different severity. Material and methods. LA deformation was studied in 20 healthy subjects and 68 patients. Of them 30 patients had AH and mild LVH, 22-AH and manifest LVH, 16patients had AS. Standard echocardiography (EchoCG) was made and then analysed with the method of two-dimentional seroscale deformation (TDSD). Segmentory maximal deformation was estimated in 5 middle segments of left atrial walls, middle maximal deformation was determined in 4and 2-chamber positions, global maximal deformation were evaluated in left atrial contraction and accumulation phases. Results. Due to pressure-induced overloading, LVH was accompanied with abnormal left atrial deformation, AH patients demonstrated decreased deformation even in mild LVH. AS was associated with most pronounced changes of left atrial deformation. Abnormal left atrial deformation in AH and AS was more significant in accumulation phase. In contraction phase, left atrial deformation deterioration occurred only in AS. Conclusion. Conduction of TDSD enables analysis of atrial deformation and opens wide perspectives for further investigations aimed at better understanding of changes in the atria.


A Kalinin

University hospital, Gailezers clinic

Email: artem_kalinin@yahoo.com

M Alekhin

Central hospital of the President’s Administration

G Bachs

P. Stradin University

A Leinieks

P. Stradin University

Sh Kalninsh

University hospital, Gailezers clinic

P Schipachov

P. Stradin University hospital


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