Factors affecting efficacy of gastroesophageal reflux disease treatment with proton pump inhibitors




Aim. The aim of the study was to determine causes of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) inefficacy in some patients suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Material and methods. In our study of 154 GERD patients, 50 received omeprazole, 51 - lansoprazole and 53 - pantoprazole in a standard daily dose. GERD symptoms (heartburn and regurgitation) were scored by Likert scale; the patients' quality of life (SF-36) and their mental status (SMALL) were examined. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, 24-h intraesophageal pH monitoring, esophageal manometry and pharmacokinetic study were performed.
Results. The treatment with a standard dose of PPIs was ineffective in 21 (13.6%) patients. Causes of PPIs inefficacy in 4.5% patients were rapid PPI metabolism and in 9.1% - "driving gear" of symptoms formation related with psychic dysadaptation.


Leonid Lazebnik

ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

Email: gastroenter@rambler.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф., дир. ЦНИИГ, тел. 8-495-304-74-23; ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

Dmitriy Bordin

ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

Email: dbordin@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд-ния заболеваний поджелудочной железы ЦНИИГ, тел. 8-495-304-95-51; ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

Antonina Masharova

ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

Email: a.masharova@gmail.com
д-р мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд-ния заболеваний верхних отделов пищеварительного тракта ЦНИИГ, тел. 8-495-303-17-71; ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

Lyudmila Firsova

ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

д-р мед. наук, зав. отд-нием заболеваний верхних отделов пищеварительного тракта ЦНИИГ, тел. 8-495-303-17-71; ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

Svetlana Sil'vestrova

ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

канд. биол. наук, ст. науч. сотр. лаб. лекарственного мониторинга и метаболизма ЦНИИГ, тел. 8-495-305-09-77; ЦНИИ гастроэнтерологии

L Lazebnik

D Bordin

A Masharova

L Firsova

S Silvestrova


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