Effects of recurrent herpetic infection on functional activity of T-cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis


Aim. To evaluate effects of recurrent herpetic infection on functional activity of regulatory cell subpopulations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Material and methods. We studied in vitro production of marker cytokines of type 1 T-helpers (IL-2), type 2 T-helpers (IL-4), type 3 T-helpers TGFb and type 1 T-regulators (IL-10) and counted CD4+CD25+ T-cells in the blood of patients with recurrent herpetic infection and having no clinical manifestations of Herpes virus reactivation.
Results. Patients with recurrent herpes had more active production of IL-10, but reduced count of CD4+CD25+ lymphocytes.
Conclusion. IL-10 hyperproduction observed in recurrent herpetic infection may contribute to progression of rheumatoid arthritis.


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