Hepatitis C awareness among therapists and general practitioners. Survey results

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Aim. In order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis C in the framework of this study was the awareness among general practitioner (GPs) and physicians in various districts of Chelyabinsk Oblast was assessed.

Materials and methods. A continuous study of hepatitis C virus (HCV) awareness among therapists and GPs was conducted within the framework of the regional research-to-practice conference Multidisciplinary Issues of Family Medicine on May 19, 2018. 78 questionnaires have been distributed. Thus, 78 therapists from different districts of Chelyabinsk Oblast took part in the study. For these purposes, a questionnaire of 12 questions developed by Olga I. Sagalova was used. The study involved 78 therapists from different districts of Chelyabinsk Oblast. 20.52% (n=16) of respondents were from the healthcare institutions (HCI) of urban districts of Chelyabinsk Oblast, 39.74% (n=31) were from the HCIs of municipal districts of Chelyabinsk Oblast, and 39.74% (n=31) from the HCIs of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Results. The survey revealed certain gaps in therapists’ awareness of the natural course of the disease, diagnosis, routing, the natural course of HCV infection, as well as its extrahepatic manifestations. The survey results indicate a lack of understanding among physicians and therapists of tactics for managing patients with HCV infection and emphasize the need to improve interdisciplinary interaction between infectious disease specialists, primary care doctors and doctors of other specialties including the development and implementation of an educational strategy for non-infectious disease doctors.

Conclusion. The results indicate the needs to increase the level of education among doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients with HCV in accordance with guidelines and to include screening for HCV infection in the guidelines for selected chronic non-communicable diseases as part of the initial examination.

About the authors

A. V. Sineglazova

South Ural State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: sineglazovaav@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3814-7342

д.м.н., зав. инфекционным отд-нием Клиники

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

A. V. Sineglazova

Kazan State Medical University of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health

Email: sineglazovaav@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7951-0040

д.м.н., зав. каф. поликлинической терапии и общей врачебной практики

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure: 2. Answers to the question "How many patients in the last month have you examined for hepatitis C, prescribing a test for antibodies to the hepatitis C virus?"

Download (69KB)
3. Figure: 3. Answers to the question “What are your criteria for screening patients for HCV? Check all that apply. "

Download (152KB)
4. Figure: 4. Answers to the question "Is the detection of antibodies to HCV sufficient to diagnose CHC?"

Download (54KB)
5. Figure: 5. Answers to the question "What method is used to confirm the diagnosis of CHC?"

Download (108KB)
6. Figure: 6. Answers to the question "What proportion of the patients with CHC identified by you are under the supervision of an infectious disease doctor or (if he is absent) sent you for a consultation to the Hepatology Center of the Clinic of the FGBOU HE SUSMU?"

Download (60KB)
7. Figure: 7. Answers to the question "When do you usually refer patients with hepatitis C to an infectious disease doctor?"

Download (150KB)
8. Figure: 8. Answers to the question "What is the average duration of the disease from the moment of infection to the beginning of the formation of liver cirrhosis?"

Download (68KB)
9. Figure: 9. Answers to the question "Specify the malignant diseases associated with chronic HCV infection."

Download (154KB)
10. Figure: 10. Answers to the question “What are the most common extrahepatic manifestations of chronic HCV infection? Highlight the 3 most common. "

Download (149KB)
11. Figure: 11. Answers to the question "Do you think that hepatitis C is curable?"

Download (67KB)
12. Figure: 12. Answers to the question "If yes, what is the effectiveness of modern antiviral therapy regimens?"

Download (105KB)
13. Figure: 13. Answers to the question "Why is it necessary to determine the HCV genotype?"

Download (141KB)

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