Early postoperative measurement of growth hormone level for prognosis of surgical outcomes in acromegaly

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Aim. To investigate the value of 24 hours post-surgery measurement of growth hormone (GH) level for prognosis of surgical outcomes in acromegaly.

Materials and methods. A prospective cohort study included 45 patients with newly diagnosed acromegaly. The degree of parasellar extension was measured on the preoperative sellar magnetic resonance imaging according to the Knosp’s classification. All patients underwent a transsphenoid adenomectomy performed by one neurosurgeon. Basal GH level was measured at 24 hours after surgery. The efficacy of transsphenoidal adenomectomy evaluated at 12 months after surgery.

Results. Acromegaly remission was achieved in 19 (42%) of 45 patients at 12 months after surgery. Pituitary microadenomas and the absence of paracellular invasion, corresponding to Knosp Grade 0–2, had low prognostic value for long-term remission due to low sensitivity (31.6%) and low specificity (38.5%), respectively. The highest prognostic value for acromegaly remission was showed for 24 hours post-surgery GH level with cut-off <1.30 ng/ml with sensitivity of 96.2% (95% confidence interval 81.1–99.8%) and specificity of 84.2% (95% confidence interval 62.4–94.4%).

Conclusion. The study demonstrated the possibility of using GH level at 24 after surgery as a predictor for acromegaly remission. GH level <1.30 ng/ml at 24 hours after surgery showed better predictive value for long-term remission compared with the presence of microadenomas and Knosp Grade 0–2. The absence of decrease of GH level on the first day after surgery may serve as a reason for more close monitoring of patients in the postoperative period. Further studies in a larger number of observers are required to confirm our findings.

About the authors

A. I. Tsiberkin

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Author for correspondence.
Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6587-4313

врач-эндокринолог, мл. науч. сотр. НИЛ нейроэндокринологии

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

U. A. Tsoy

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4013-4831

к.м.н., зав. НИЛ нейроэндокринологии

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

V. Yu. Cherebillo

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6803-9954

д.м.н., проф., врач-нейрохирург отд-ния нейрохирургии №6

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

A. V. Polezhaev

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9450-1516

к.м.н., науч. сотр. НИЛ нейроэндокринологии

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

N. V. Kuritsyna

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1337-1719

врач-эндокринолог ЛРК-1

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

A. A. Paltsev

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9966-2965

к.м.н., зав. отд-нием нейрохирургии №6

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

A. V. Alkhazishvili

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7250-6786

аспирант каф. лучевой диагностики и медицинской визуализации, врач-рентгенолог детского ЛРК

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

E. N. Grineva

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Email: tsibern1@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0042-7680

д.м.н., проф., дир. Института эндокринологии

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1. ROC curve for predicting remission of acromegaly based on the level of GY 24 hours after surgery.

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3. Fig. 2. GH Level 24 hours after surgery in the remission and acromegaly persistence groups.

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