Clinical and diagnostical value of 24-hour arterial stiffness monitoring in patients with bronchial asthma

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Aim. To evaluate 24-hour dynamics of the arterial stiffness main indicators in patients with bronchial asthma of various severity and control.

Materials and methods. The study included 119 patients with bronchial asthma, who formed main groups: the first group – 48 patients with mild and moderate asthma, the second – 71 patients with severe asthma. All patients underwent the vascular stiffness parameters study using a multifunctional complex for the 24-hour monitoring and office measurements of blood pressure and vessels condition. At the same time vascular stiffness indicators were examined: PWVao – pulse wave velocity in the aorta (m/s); Aix – augmentation index (%); ASI – the arterial stiffness index (mmHg).

Results. When comparing the 24-hour arterial stiffness dynamics indicators, changes were found in patients with severe asthma and non-control. Thus, a statistically significant increase in the pulse wave velocity in the aorta and augmentation index in second group compared to patients of the 1st group and control subjects. In patients with severe asthma Aix at night is significantly higher than daytime, which indicates an increase in arterial stiffness at night.

Conclusions. Patients with severe bronchial asthma have increased arterial stiffness in comparison with controls and mild and moderate asthma. Also, in patients with severe asthma arterial stiffness parameters were higher at night-time in comparison with daytime.


About the authors

N. A. Karoli

Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7464-826X

д.м.н., проф. каф. госпитальной терапии лечебного фак-та

Russian Federation, Saratov

O. T. Zarmanbetova

Saratov City Polyclinic №6

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0201-7757


Russian Federation, Saratov

A. P. Rebrov

Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University


д.м.н., проф., зав. каф. госпитальной терапии лечебного фак-та

Russian Federation, Saratov


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