Diabetes mellitus and chronic liver diseases. Literature review (part 2): treatment features

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) and chronic liver disease (CLD) are pathological conditions associated with each other and reaching epidemic proportions. There is a strong pathogenetic relationship of carbohydrate metabolism disorders and a number of CLD. Common mechanisms that provoke metabolic and autoimmune disorders in the development of various CLD, leading to steatosis, insulin resistance (IR), impaired glucose tolerance and the development of DM are described. Effective glycemic control can have a beneficial effect on the treatment of these patients, and, conversely, there is evidence of a positive effect of CLD therapy on carbohydrate metabolism. This review discusses the correction of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with CLD, the main groups of modern hypoglycemic drugs, mechanisms of their action, the impact on the physiology of the liver, the possibility of using each of these pharmacological groups in patients with impaired liver function. The modern approaches and possibilities of drug effects on the process of fibrogenesis in CLD, the effect of these drugs on carbohydrate metabolism are listed.

About the authors

Z A Kalmykova

Endocrinology Research Centre

Moscow, Russia

I V Kononenko

Endocrinology Research Centre

Moscow, Russia

A Yu Mayorov

Endocrinology Research Centre

Moscow, Russia


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