Non - alcoholic fatty liver disease and enteral insufficiency: comorbidity of their development

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The article reflects current literature data on the epidemiology and risk factors of non - alcoholic fatty liver disease. An important aspect is the description of the modern views of combined lesions of the hepatobiliary tract and small intestine. Disorders of the intestinal microbiota play a special role in the development of non - alcoholic fatty liver disease. The value of enterohepatic circulation of bile acids in the development of intestinal and liver diseases was shown. It seems relevant to further study the comorbidity of the development of non - alcoholic fatty liver disease and enteropathy for the development of pathogenetically substantiated therapy.

About the authors

Ya M Vakhrushev

Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Izhevsk, Russia

E V Suchkova

Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Izhevsk, Russia

A P Lukashevich

Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Izhevsk, Russia


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