Damage to periarticular soft tissues in real clinical practice: frequency, nature, effectiveness of non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs

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Damage to periarticular soft tissues is a common pathology that causes severe pain and impaired function of the musculoskeletal system. Aim. To determine the frequency, nature and clinical features of damage to periarticular soft tissues in real clinical practice, as well as the effectiveness of non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the debut of treatment of this pathology. Materials and methods. During the observational study, the frequency of defeat of the periarticular soft tissues in the structure of visits to 68 outpatient orthopedic surgeons in different cities of Russia for 1 month was estimated. Assessed the nature and dynamics of clinical manifestations during treatment in 1227 patients with defeat of the periarticular soft tissues. NSAIDs, mainly the original meloxicam, were used as a “first line” treatment for damage of the periarticular soft tissues. The results of treatment were evaluated after 10-14 days at a repeat visit of patients. Results. The proportion of patients with damage of the periarticular soft tissues was 15.8% of the total number of people who applied for outpatient care. Among 1227 patients (men 57.5%, average age 51.3±15.5 years) who were observed in the dynamics, prevailed were those with damage of the periarticular soft tissues of the knee joint area (knee joint enthesopathy, prepatellar bursitis, tendonitis/ bursitis of the goose foot area) - 21.2%, feet (plantar fasciitis, calcaneal spur) - 16.9%, shoulder (tendonitis of the muscles of the shoulder rotators) - 16.4% and the elbow (lateral and medial epicondylitis) - 15.3%. During treatment, there was a significant decrease in the total severity of pain - from 6.58±1.61 to 2.48±1.60 points on an 11-point numerical rating scale (p<0.001), a decrease in the intensity of pain during movement, at rest, at night and palpation, as well as the severity of functional disorders. The need for local injection of glucocorticoids arose in 22.1% of patients. Significant improvement was noted with all defeat of the periarticular soft tissues localizations, with 68.1% of patients rated the treatment result as “good” and “excellent”. Adverse reactions were noted in 15.0% of patients; no serious complications were recorded. Conclusion defeat of the periarticular soft tissues ranks third in the frequency of visits after injuries and osteoarthritis of large joints in the practice of outpatient orthopedic surgeons. The use of NSAIDs in the maximum therapeutic dose for 10-14 days allows for significant improvement in defeat of the periarticular soft tissues of various localization.

About the authors

A E Karateev

Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology

Moscow, Russia

A M Lila

Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology

Moscow, Russia

N V Zagorodni

Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Moscow, Russia

E Yu Pogozheva

Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology

Moscow, Russia


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