Prinzmetal angina. Questions of pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and treatment

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Current problems of Prinzmetal angina (vasospastic angina, variant angina) considers in this review. Attention is drawn to early diagnosis, which should be comprehensive, taking into account possible atypical courses and the development of complications. The important role of electrocardiographic monitoring (including using implantable recorders) is highlighted. It is emphasized that patients with cardiac arrhythmias, syncope are at high risk of developing sudden cardiac death. In this category of patients, it is recommended to timely determine the indications for implantation of a cardioverter - defibrillator. Authors consider the prospects of using new methods of treatment of angina pectoris.

About the authors

B L Shklovskiy

Vishnevsky 3 Central Military Clinical Hospital

к.м.н., зам. начальника по медицинской части ФГБУ «3-й ЦВКГ им. А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России, ORCID: 0000-0002-2085-4850 Moscow, Russia

A A Prokhorchik

Vishnevsky 3 Central Military Clinical Hospital

к.м.н., главный кардиолог ФГБУ «3-й ЦВКГ им. А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России, ORCID: 0000-0001-55 42-3527 Moscow, Russia

A N Pyr’ev

Vishnevsky 3 Central Military Clinical Hospital

заслуженный врач РФ, д.м.н., начальник кардиологического отделения ФГБУ «3-й ЦВКГ им. А.А. Вишнев-ского» Минобороны России, ORCID: 0000-0002-6219-191Х Moscow, Russia

V I Baksheev

Vishnevsky 3 Central Military Clinical Hospital

заслуженный врач РФ, член-корр. РАЕН, д.м.н., начальник отд-ния научно-методического отдела ФГБУ «3-й ЦВКГ им. А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России; ORCID: 0000-0001-7036-4473 Moscow, Russia


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