Helminths detection with video capsule endoscopy

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The article describes clinical observations of helminthiasis detection in 18 of 208 patients during video capsule endoscopy (VCE). Indications for the appointment of VCE were complex clinical situations associated with the search for inflammatory diseases of the small intestine and sources of small intestine bleeding. Because of the high cost of VCE the diagnosis of parasitic diseases should be based on laboratory techniques in clinical practice. Only in case of anemia of unknown etiology VCE demonstrates high efficiency.

About the authors

A O Akopova

Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center

м.н.с. отд-ния диагностики и общей терапии ГБУЗ «МКНЦ», ORCID: 0000-0003-3978-1548 Moscow, Russia

O M Mikcheeva

Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center

д.м.н., проф., зав. отд-нием диагностики и общей терапии ГБУЗ «МКНЦ» Moscow, Russia

P L Shcherbakov

Clinical diagnostic center Krasnaya Presnya of Joint-Stock Company MEDSI

д.м.н., проф., главный врач, врач-гастроэнтеролог, врач-эндоскопист АО МЕДСИ Moscow, Russia

A I Parfenov

Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center

Email: asfold@mail.ru
д.м.н., проф., зав. отд. патологии кишечника ГБУЗ «МКНЦ» Moscow, Russia


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