Regulation of erythropoiesis in patients with suppressed hematopoiesis during mountain climatic treatment

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Aim. to estimate the regulation of erythropoiesis and the coagulation system in patients with suppressed hematopoiesis in a mountain hospital (3200 m above sea level).
Subjects and methods. The investigation included 12 patients with aplastic anemia (AA) and 10 with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Blood was received at a Bishkek hospital, then on days 20 and 40 of stay in the mountains. The authors studied erythropoietin (EPO) by enzyme immunoassay (Protein Contour kit, Russia), serum ferritin (SF) by immunoradioassay (Immunotech kit, Czech Republic), hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), homocysteine (HC), hepcidin, endothelin (ET), and thrombomodulin (TM) by sandwich enzyme immunoassay, by applying monospecific antisera and monoclonal antibodies against relevant antigens (IDG Int Inc, USA).
Results. On staying in the mountains, there was a gradual increase in the content of hemoglobin in patients with AA and ITP. On day 40, in keeping with higher hemoglobin (Hb) levels, both groups showed a decrease in HIF-1α concentrations to the normal values (from 8.2 to 4.5 pg/ml). Due to the anemic syndrome, baseline EPO was increased by 5-7 times in the patients from both groups. On days 20-40, the content of EPO showed a 1.3-2.5-fold increase. In AA, HC was almost 3 times greater than the normal values; in ITP, it was 1.5-fold increased. On day 20 and during the patients' stay in the mountains, the level of HC remained in the normal range in both groups.
Conclusion. Hypoxic hypoxia positively affects a number of hematological parameters, by normalizing erythropoiesis (Hb, EPO, and HIF-1α), iron metabolism (SF), and the coagulation system (HC, ET, and TM).

About the authors

Asel' Zarlykovna Ismailova

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКР

науч. сотр; Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКР

Aynura Bekbolotovna Makeshova

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКРГУ Гематологический научный центр РАМН

канд. мед. наук, докторант; Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКРГУ Гематологический научный центр РАМН

Mepi Omopovna Eralieva

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКР

науч. сотр; Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКР

Alla Arkad'evna Levina

ГУ Гематологический научный центр РАМН

канд. мед. наук, вед. науч. сотр; ГУ Гематологический научный центр РАМН

Yuliya Iosifovnna Mamukova

ГУ Гематологический научный центр РАМН

канд. мед. наук, науч. сотр; ГУ Гематологический научный центр РАМН

Abdukhalim Raimzhanovich Raimzhanov

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКР

д-р мед. наук, проф., член-кор. HAH KP, дир; Киргизский научный центр гематологии, МЗКР

A Z Ismailova

Kirghiz Hematology Research CenterHematology Research Center

Kirghiz Hematology Research CenterHematology Research Center

A B Makeshova

Kirghiz Hematology Research Center

Kirghiz Hematology Research Center

M O Eraliyeva

Kirghiz Hematology Research Center

Kirghiz Hematology Research Center

A A Levina

Hematology Research Center

Hematology Research Center

Yu I Mamukova

Hematology Research Center

Hematology Research Center

A R Raimzhanov

Kirghiz Hematology Research Center

Kirghiz Hematology Research Center


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