Efficacy of ivabradine in combination therapy for complicated acute coronary syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

  • Authors: Kondrat'ev A.I.1, Dolgikh V.T.2, Stotskiy A.O.1, Kondratyev AI3, Dolgikh VT4, Stotsky AO3
  • Affiliations:
    1. Муниципальное учреждение здравоохранения городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи № 1 Омска
    2. ГОУ ВПО Омская государственная медицинская академия Минздравсоцразвития
    3. Town Emergency Care Clinical Hospital One
    4. Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health and Social Development
  • Issue: Vol 82, No 1 (2010)
  • Pages: 27-31
  • Section: Editorial
  • URL: https://journals.rcsi.science/0040-3660/article/view/33378
  • ID: 33378

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Aim: To study the effect of ivabradine (coraxan, Servier) as part of combination therapy on the clinical manifestations of acute left ventricular failure (ALVF) in Braunwald class II-IIIB unstable angina in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Subjects and methods. Thirty-six T2DM patients (mean age 56 ± 4.3 years) with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome were examined. Eighteen healthy individuals were examined as an age- and gender-matched control group. Metabolic, hemodynamic, and electrophysiological parameters were studied in all the patients on hospital stay days 1 and 5.
Results. Ivabradine used in combination therapy for unstable angina caused reductions in the clinical manifestations of ALVF, heart rate, the number of myocardial ischemic episodes. In the ivabradine-treated patients, left ventricular ejection fraction showed a significant trend for increase. No adverse reactions were recorded.
Conclusion. Ivabradine therapy demonstrated antiischemic and antianginal efficiencies and a good tolerability, without leading to the development of tolerance and without being followed by the development of the withdrawal syndrome.

About the authors

Arkadiy Ivanovich Kondrat'ev

Муниципальное учреждение здравоохранения городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи № 1 Омска

Email: arca_2004@mail.ru
канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. анестезиологии-реаниматологии и скорой медицинской помощи ГОУ ВПО ОмГМА, зав. отд. кардиореанимации МУЗ ГКБ скорой медицинской помощи № 1 Омска; Муниципальное учреждение здравоохранения городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи № 1 Омска

Vladimir Terent'evich Dolgikh

ГОУ ВПО Омская государственная медицинская академия Минздравсоцразвития

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. кафедрой патофизиологии с курсом клинической патофизиологии ГОУ ВПО ОмГМА; ГОУ ВПО Омская государственная медицинская академия Минздравсоцразвития

Aleksandr Olegovich Stotskiy

Муниципальное учреждение здравоохранения городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи № 1 Омска

врач, отд. кардиореанимации МУЗ ГКБ скорой медицинской помощи № 1 Омска; Муниципальное учреждение здравоохранения городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи № 1 Омска

A I Kondratyev

Town Emergency Care Clinical Hospital One

Town Emergency Care Clinical Hospital One

V T Dolgikh

Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health and Social Development

Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health and Social Development

A O Stotsky

Town Emergency Care Clinical Hospital One

Town Emergency Care Clinical Hospital One


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