Reproductive disorders, osteoporosis and secondary hyperparathyroidism with celiac disease

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A clinical observation of a patient with celiac disease, aged 23, with severe form of osteoporosis, accompanied by atraumatic fractures bones, lameness, late onset of menstruation and pathology of pregnancy is described. It is emphasized that only a timely diagnosis celiac disease and timely prescribed treatment make it possible to avoid severe complications.

About the authors

L M Krums

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

д.м.н., с.н.с. отд-ния невоспалительной патологии кишечника Moscow, Russia

S V Bykova

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

к.м.н., зав. отд-нием невоспалительной патологии кишечника Moscow, Russia

E A Sabelnikova

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

д.м.н., зам. директора по научной работе Moscow, Russia

Ts V Aminova

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

Moscow, Russia

N I Poleva

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

к.м.н., н.с. отд-ния невоспалительной патологии кишечника Moscow, Russia

R B Gudkov

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

д.м.н., с.н.с. лаб. научно-диагностических исследований Moscow, Russia

M B Turaeva

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

патологоанатом Moscow, Russia

A I Parfenov

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

д.м.н., проф., зав. отд. патологии кишечника Moscow, Russia


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