Hepatic decompensation associated with an interferon-free antiviral therapy in patients with HCV-cirrhosis

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Today, there is no complete clarity about the pathogenetic mechanisms of the hepatic decompensation in patients with HCV-cirrhosis during the course of direct-acting antiviral (DAAs) therapy. The current article describes several clinical observations of decompensation (with the development of liver failure and portal hypertension) in cirrhotic patients during the course of DAAs-therapy of hepatitis C. The authors present contemporary views and their own assumptions about the possible mechanisms of the hepatic decompensation associated with DAAs-therapy in patients with liver cirrhosis.

About the authors

S N Batskikh

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center, Moscow City Department of Health

Email: zdoc@mail.ru
к.м.н., с.н.с. отдела гепатологии ГБУЗ «МКНЦ им. А.С. Логинова» ДЗМ; н.с. ФБУН «Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии» Роспотребнадзора; ORCID iD 0000-0002-5917-203X Moscow, Russia

E V Vinnitskaya

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center, Moscow City Department of Health

д.м.н., зав. отделом гепатологии Moscow, Russia

Yu G Sandler

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center, Moscow City Department of Health

к.м.н., с.н.с. научно-исследовательского отдела гепатологии Moscow, Russia

T Yu Khaimenova

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center, Moscow City Department of Health

к.м.н., зав. отд-нием хронических заболеваний печени Moscow, Russia


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