Cardiovascular safety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases

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Rheumatic diseases (RD), such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, vasculitis, gout are associated with increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The main causes of increased cardiovascular risk are inflammatory heart and vascular lesions, accelerated progression of atherosclerosis and side effects of drug therapy. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used in clinical practice and are on the list of the most prescribed medications. It is known that NSAIDs have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system (CVS). However NSAIDs may decrease the intensity of inflammation, which is an independent risk risk factor for CVS pathology. Therefore in patients with RD it is theoretically possible to reduce the severity of cardiovascular side effects when using NSAIDs. The article discusses the issues of NSAID’s cardiovascular safety, the molecular mechanisms underlying the negative effect of them on CVS, critically evaluated the results of main studies concerning the cardiovascular safety of NSAIDs in chronic inflammatory diseases.

About the authors

B V Zavodovsky

A.B. Zborovsky Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology

д.м.н., проф., зав. лаб. методов лечения и профилактики заболеваний суставов Volgograd, Russia

L E Sivordova

A.B. Zborovsky Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology

к.м.н., в.н.с. лаб. методов лечения и профилактики заболеваний суставов Volgograd, Russia


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