Results of one-year treat-to-target strategy in early psoriatic arthritis: data of an open-label REMARCA study

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Objectives: to study efficacy of treat-to-target (T2T) strategy in early peripheral psoriatic arthritis (EPsA) after one year of treatment. Methods: 44 (M/F - 18/26) DMARD-naїve patients (pts) with active EPsA, according to the CASPAR criteria, mean age 37.5±11.3 years, PsA duration 7 [4; 24] months, psoriasis duration 36 [12; 84] months, disease activity index (DAS) 3.78 [3.18; 4.67], DAS28 4.33 [3.67; 4.8] study were included. At the baseline and every other 3 months for total 12 months of therapy all pts underwent standard clinical examination, tender joint count (TJC), swollen joint count (SJC), patient pain VAS, patient/physician´s global disease activity VAS, enthesitis by Leeds Enthesial Index (LEI)+Plantar Fascia (PF), dactylitis, Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI), body surface area (BSA), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), DAS, DAS28-C-RP, C-RP (mg/l). The dose of MTX s/c was escalated by 5 mg every 2 weeks from 10 mg/wk to appropriate dose 20-25 mg/wk according to the drug intolerance. If pts does not achieve the lower disease activity (LDA), MDA or remission after 3 months of MTX subcutaneous (s/c) mono-therapy, then combination therapy of MTX+Adalimumab (ADA) by standard regime was continued up to one year. At 12 months of therapy the proportion of pts who attained LDA by DAS/DAS28 or remission by DAS<1.6/DAS28-C-RP<2.6 or MDA, ACR20/50/70, PASI75 and dynamics of HAQ, LEI+PF, dactylitis were calculated. Mean±SD, Me [Q25; Q75], %, Friedman (Fr.) ANOVA, U-test, Wilcoxon test were performed. All p<0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. Results: At one year of treatment according to T2T strategy significant improvements disease activity and physical health function related to quality of life was seen. By 12 months of therapy remission by DAS and MDA was reached 61.4%/65.9% of pts accordingly. By 12 months of therapy ACR20/50/70 was seen in 88%/77%/59% of pts. In pts with BSA≥3% (n=16) at baseline psoriasis improvements by PASI75 was seen in 88% of pts. In 55% of active EPsA pts MTX (s/c) mono-therapy was an effective treatment. Conclusions: One-year treatment according to T2T strategy significantly improves all PsA clinical domains - arthritis, dactylitis, enthesitis, skin psoriasis and quality of life despite of type of treatment. It seems that T2T is a useful strategy in EPsA but additional research concerning its implementation in real practice are needed.

About the authors

T V Korotaeva

V.A. Nasonova Scientific and Research Institute of Rheumatology, Department of Psoriatic arthritis

д.м.н., в.н.с., зав. лаб. диагностики и инновационных методов лечения псориатического артрита Moscow, Russia

E Yu Loginova

V.A. Nasonova Scientific and Research Institute of Rheumatology, Department of Psoriatic arthritis

к.м.н., с.н.с. лаб. диагностики и инновационных методов лечения псориатического артрита Moscow, Russia

T S Getiya

V.A. Nasonova Scientific and Research Institute of Rheumatology, Department of Psoriatic arthritis

врач-исследователь лаб. диагностики и инновационных методов лечения псориатического артрита Moscow, Russia

E L Nasonov

V.A. Nasonova Scientific and Research Institute of Rheumatology, Department of Psoriatic arthritis; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Department of Rheumatology

д.м.н., акад. РАН, научный руководитель ФГБНУ «НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой» Moscow, Russia


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