Clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (Part 2)

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The paper gives current approaches to treating chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) from the document «Federal Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of CTEPH» approved at the Third Russian Congress on Pulmonary Hypertension on December 11, 2015. The guidelines had been elaborated to optimize the treatment of patients with CTEPH on the basis of an analysis of the data of the present-day registries and multicenter randomized clinical trials, national and international guidelines and consensus documents, and documents published in recent years. CTEPH is a unique form of pulmonary hypertension since it is potentially curable by surgical treatment. The paper presents indications for and contraindications to pulmonary thromboendartectomy; preparation for surgery; operating room facilities; the specific features of postoperative management and possible complications; and long-term results. In terms of therapy, in addition to non-pharmacological measures, the authors discuss maintenance and specific treatment options for CTEPH, balloon pulmonary angioplasty, and lung/heart-lung transplantation. In conclusion, they propose a management algorithm in patients with CTEPH and requirements for its problem to the center of experts.

About the authors

I E Chazova

НИИ кардиологии им. А.Л. Мясникова ФГБУ РКНПК Минздрава России

Москва, Россия

T V Martynyuk

НИИ кардиологии им. А.Л. Мясникова ФГБУ РКНПК Минздрава России

Москва, Россия


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