Three cases of late syphilitic hepatitis

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The article presents literature data for the last 10 years on specific liver damage. There are three own clinical cases of syphilitic hepatitis, one of them - with a lethal outcome. Attention is drawn to the importance of early diagnosis of syphilitic hepatitis. The main criteria for the diagnosis of this pathology.

About the authors

O K Loseva

Moscow Regional Clinical Skin and Venereal Dispensary Ministry of Health of Moscow Region; Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology

д.м.н., проф., эксперт по вопросам диагностики, клиники и лечения сифилиса и других ИПППП

I A Dergacheva

Central District Hospital of Stupino

зав. кожно-венерологическим отд-нием, врач высшей квалификационной категории

O V Zalevskaya

Moscow Regional Clinical Skin and Venereal Dispensary, Ministry of Health of Moscow Region

к.м.н., врач-дерматовенеролог

N V Chernysheva

Moscow Regional Clinical Skin and Venereal Dispensary, Ministry of Health of Moscow Region

врач-дерматовенеролог высшей категории

R O Zhukovsky

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology

зав. центральным отд. специализированной помощи, врач-дерматовенеролог


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