The clinical efficacy of allergen-specific immunotherapy with water-salt extracts and adjuvant allergens for atopic asthma with household sensitization

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Aim. To evaluate the clinical and economic efficiency of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT); to comparatively analyze the efficiency of various therapy regimens for atopic asthma. Subjects and methods. The clinical and economic efficiency of asthma therapy using ASIT with water-salt allergen extracts or the adjuvant drug alustal “mite allergen” and only with medicines were comparatively analyzed. The investigation enrolled 156 patients with mild and moderate atopic asthma, household allergy. In Group 1 (n = 57), ASIT was performed using the classical scheme by subcutaneous injection of house dust mite allergen (JSC “I.I. Mechnikov Biomed”, Russia). In Group 2 (n = 43), ASIT was conducted using the alustal “mite allergen” (Stallergenes, France). Group 3 (n = 56) received only medical therapy. Results. ASIT with both water-salt allergen extracts and the adjuvant allergen alustal is an effective treatment for mild and moderate atopic asthma. ASIT greatly reduces the need for anti-inflammatory treatment and the use of symptomatic drugs and improves the physical and psychoemotional indicators of quality of life in patients. The economic benefit of ASIT is delayed, but its use significantly reduces financing costs. Conclusion. ASIT is a reasonable, highly effective and ultimately cost-effective treatment in patients with atopic asthma. A variety of drugs for ASIT can choose schemes that are convenient and acceptable for each patient, which allows wider use of this treatment.

About the authors

D V Ushakova

ФГБУ «Поликлиника №1» УДП РФ

Москва, Россия

E L Nikonov

Департамент здравоохранения города Москвы

Москва, Россия


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