Obstructive sleep apnea at high altitude

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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an important and socially relevant problem of modern medicine, which is referred to as a most common pathological condition. The problem of OSA is especially urgent for inhabitants of high mountainous regions, as a combination of climatic, social, and cultural factors can significantly affect the course of the disease in both indigenous highlanders and people temporarily residing at high altitude. The paper reviews the current literature covering the problem of OSA at high altitude. It gives the data of Russian and foreign literature on the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of OSA. The author also analyzes an update on the impact of high altitude on the course of OSA in indigenous highlanders and people temporarily living at high altitude. She emphasizes the role of hypobaric hypocapnia as the most important factor for the development of central sleep apnea in the presence of conditions that are obstructive and aggravating the course of the disease.

About the authors

A K Myrzaakhmatova

Национальный центр кардиологии и терапии им. акад. М. Миррахимова

Бишкек, Киргизская Республика


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