Duodenal motor function in health and some diseases: A hypothesis

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Aim. To investigate duodenal motor function according to radiological findings. Subjects and methods. Radiological studies of the upper digestive tract were retrospectively analyzed in 116 patients aged 55 to 92 years, including 83 patients in whom the study was conducted using conventional barium suspension (Group 11). Three grams of vitamin C were added to 200 ml of standard barium sulfate suspension in 8 patients (Group 2). Group 3 included 25 patients with primary duodenal diverticula. Group 4 included radiographs from 35 articles on superior mesenteric artery syndrome (SMAS). The width of the duodenum and the length of the sphincters were imaged. Results. Sphincters (bulboduodenal sphincter, sphincter of Kapanci, sphincter of Ochsner) were found to play an important role in the physiology of the duodenum. This could hypothesize that duodenal motor function determines its basic patterns. Conclusion. The proposed hypothesis explains how the duodenum performs its functions and is implicated in the pathogenesis of SMAS, acquired duodenal diverticula and sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.

About the authors

M D Levin

Государственный гериатрический центр

Нетания, Израиль

Z Korshun

Государственный гериатрический центр

Нетания, Израиль

G Mendelson

Государственный гериатрический центр

Нетания, Израиль


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