The calcium-regulating system and recurrent peptic ulcer

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Aim. To elucidate the functional state and value of the calcium-regulating system, calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the pathogenesis and sanogenesis of peptic ulcer (PU); to define the possible ways to correct shifts found in the treatment of disease relapse, by affecting the different levels of their disorders. Subjects and methods. A total of 220 patients with recurrent PU were examined by determining the blood levels of parathyrin, calcitonin, calcium and phosphorus, as well as gastric secretory and motor functions. Results. Recurrent PU was accompanied by a considerable increase in the blood concentration of parathyroid hormone and calcium, a slight rise in that of calcitonin, and a significant reduction in that of phosphorus. These changes were attended by a substantial increase in gastric acid- and pepsinogen-forming functions, a decrease in the production of gastric mucoproteins, and hypermotor dyskinesia. The use of calcitrin, nifedipine, and etidronic acid, which eliminate dysfunction of the calcium-regulating system at different levels of its impairments, leads to a significant reduction in the time of alleviation of the clinical and endoscopic manifestations of a recurrence. Conclusion. Recurrent PU runs in the presence of calcium-regulating system dysfunction. Incorporation of the thyroid C-cell hormone preparation calcitrin, the slow calcium-channel blocker nifedipine, and etidronic acid bisphosphonate into a complex of treatment for a disease recurrence is pathogenetically sound and clinically effective.

About the authors

V V Chernin

«Тверской государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России

Тверь, Россия

L A Fomina

«Тверской государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России

Тверь, Россия


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