Metabolic and hemodynamic effects of the growth hormone system — insulin-like growth factor

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Significant congenital deficiency of growth factor (GF) results in pituitary nanism (dwarfism) and its substantial excess is accompanied by the development of gigantism or acromegaly. Its impact on the growth of the whole body or its individual parts is impossible without affecting metabolic processes and hemodynamic parameters. A number of investigations have proven that GF has a direct lipolytic effect: adequate replacement therapy for pituitary nanism gives rise to a reduction in fat depots. Since the concentration of GF is lower in obesity, whether it may be used to treat this abnormality is considered.

About the authors

T A Manhylova

«Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского»

Республика Крым, Симферополь

N H Gafarova

«Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского»

Республика Крым, Симферополь


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