Combination drugs in the therapy of acute respiratory viral infections: Evaluation of clinical and economic effectiveness

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Aim. To make a comparative clinical and economic evaluation of the use of the combination drug Influnet in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Subjects and methods. A total of 103 medical records of outpatients with uncomplicated mild and moderate ARVI were studied. There were three groups: 1) 35 patients who received therapy with Influnet; 2) 31 patients who took Rinza; 3) 34 patients who were on treatment without the combination drug. Results. Analysis of comparative clinical effectiveness of the drugs revealed that the use of Influnet was accompanied by the rapider alleviation of fever and other ARVI symptoms and by its shorter treatment duration (4.5±0.5 days) versus that of Rinza (5.5±1.4 days) and monocomponent drugs (5.6±1.2 days). Economic analysis showed that in terms of indirect costs associated with shorter temporary disability in patients with ARVI, Influnet therapy was more economically sound for them. Conclusion. The results demonstrate the higher clinical and economic feasibility of Influnet therapy for ARVI versus its alternative therapy. Combination drugs cause fewer adverse reactions than a combination of monocomponent drugs used to treat ARVI and are more cost- effective for the patient.

About the authors

A A Zaitsev

«Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова» Минздрава России

Москва, Россия

O I Klochkov

«Вороновская больница» Департамента здравоохранения Москвы

Москва, Россия


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