Follow-up study of HIV-infected patients with prior cerebral toxoplasmosis

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Aim. To assess follow-up study results in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients with prior cerebral toxoplasmosis (CT). Subject and methods. Follow-up study results were assessed in HIV-infected patients with prior CT. Results. The fate of only 97 out of 137 (66% of the hospitalized) patients discharged from hospital is known, as 40 convalescents have been lost to follow up. Thereafter, relapses developed in 19 patients, of whom 6 died. Eleven more patients with HIV infection died due to its progression and development of other secondary lesions. Five more patients died from narcotic overdose, staphylococcal sepsis, and acute pancreatic necrosis. The main peak of fatal outcomes was within the first 2 years after discharge. 3.5-year survival rates after TC were 75%. The causes of recurrent and progressive HIV infection were non-compliance with secondary prevention of CT and low adherence to an antiretroviral therapy regimen, the blame of which fell not only on the patients, but also their attending physicians and specialists who had advised how to enhance treatment motivation. Conclusion. Further follow-up of convalescent CT patients calls for closer attention to the possible development of recurrences within the first three years after discharge in particular, regardless of CD4 cell counts.

About the authors

T N Ermak

«ЦНИИ эпидемиологии» Роспотребнадзора

Москва, Россия

A B Peregudova


Москва, Россия


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