Long-term follow-up of patients with refractory systemic lupus erythematosus during rituximab treatment

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AIM: To evaluate the impact of anti-B-cell therapy on the clinical and immunological parameters of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) activity, on the time course of changes in these parameters during long-term follow-up, and on the tolerability of repeated rituximab (RTM) therapy cycles/MATERIAL AND METHODS: RTM was given to 97 patients with high activity of SLE refractory to treatment with glucocorticosteroids (GCS) and cytostatics. The follow-up lasted 18 (12-36) months. The most common clinical manifestations of SLE were lupus nephritis (LN) (62%) and skin (33%) and nervous system (22.7%) involvements. Clinical SLE activity was assessed applying the SLE disease activity index 2000 (SLEDAI2K); therapeutic effectiveness was evaluated using indicators, such as partial response (PR), complete response (CR) and exacerbation. The exacerbation was classified as moderate and severe using the Selena-Sledai Flare index (SFI)/RESULTS: Depletion was identified in 78% of the patients with SLE immediately after RTM therapy. During 3.5 years of follow-up, the effect of RTM was seen in 82% of the patients after repeated RMT therapy cycles (CR 56% and PR 28%). Exacerbations were observed in a total of 24 (24.7%) patients; the exacerbation lasted 12 (12-24) months after RTM therapy: of them 17.5% with LN and 7.2% with extrahepatic manifestations of SLE (exacerbations occurred 12 (12-24) and 18 (6-48) months after RMT therapy). In 24 exacerbated patients, B cells recovered at 6 (3-12) months. A year after RMT therapy, a group of 35 patients who were observed to have complete B cell depletion achieved CR statistically significantly more frequently than a group of 20 patients who had B-cell recovery (65.7 and 30% respectively, p=0.03). CR was observed significantly more often in patients after repeated RTM therapy cycles than those who had received only one RTM therapy cycle (p=0.02). The long-term follow-up showed a reduction in SLEDAI2K, normalization of laboratory values, and a decrease in the daily dose of GCS. Most patients tolerated well both the first and repeated RTM therapy cycles/CONCLUSION: According to the results of the long-term follow-up, RTM therapy is a highly effective treatment option for SLE patients in whom the previous standard therapy with GCS and cytostatics was previously ineffective. The 3.5-year follow-up showed a good tolerability of RTM and revealed no increase in the risk of infectious complications or adverse reactions.

About the authors

M É Tsanian

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва

Email: maridoc@bk.ru

S K Solov'ev

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва

A V Torgashina

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва

E N Aleksandrova

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва

S G Radenska-Lopovok

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва

E V Nikolaeva

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва

Ia B Khrennikov

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва

E L Nasonov

ФГБУ "НИИ ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой" РАМН, Москва


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