Relationship between visceral diseases and oral health

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The paper analyzes the literature showing that there is not only a phylogenetic relationship, but also a functional one between visceral diseases and oral health. It gives data on the unity of the occurrence of somatic and dental diseases. There is evidence for cause-and-effect relationships between them, which arise from immune imbalance, interleukin dysregulation, and nonspecific inresistance. There was a negative comorbidity of visceral diseases and oral health, namely, a relationship of dental diseases to the patients' general condition, as well as the impact of the foci of chronic oral infection on the development of systemic diseases. Mechanisms of a relationship between oral infection and secondary systemic manifestations are also described. It has been established that transient bacteremia odontogenic is detected at a dental visit and conditions for its transformation to any infectious diseases are also outlined. Unified systems approaches to treating polymorbidity are found to be needed.

About the authors

S I Gazhva

Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия Минздрава России

N A Igolkina

Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия Минздрава России



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